Sunday, December 10, 2023


“To understand the actual world as it is, not as we should wish it to be, is the beginning of wisdom.“

Exploring cause is our natural instinct, and it has served us well. Following the causal chain is an essential part of fact-finding up to a point. My point is that the answer is logic, not fact or emotion when you get to the cause of the universe in all its complexity. There is no evidence of the cause of the universe. Some of us, without much thought, assign the cause to a god they cannot describe or understand one iota.

But the law of infinite regression teaches that assigning a cause to everything leads to infinite regression and no answer. Who or what caused the cause, caused the cause, ad infinitum. 

Something from nothing? There is no need to solve with physics. The logical rule of infinite regression is the answer. Is there a cause for every cause? Reductio ad absurdum is a Latin phrase that means "reduction to the absurd." It is proof by contradiction and a common form of argument. It shows that a statement is true because its denial leads to a contradiction or a false or absurd result. Who created the creator? The creator has no end that is not absurd.


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