Friday, May 24, 2024


 The War for Democracy: A Call to Action

America stands at a crossroads. The upcoming November election is not just about choosing the next president; it is about deciding the fate of our democracy. The stakes could not be higher. We face a stark choice: continue as a beacon of democratic values or allow the forces of anarchism, despotism, oligarchy, and dictatorship to dismantle our Constitution and turn our nation into an oligarchy.

This is no exaggeration. The intentions of those who seek to undermine our democracy have been made abundantly clear. The so-called "Trump machine" has shown its hand, and the choice before us is as straightforward as it is urgent. Our form of government, the essence of our nation, is the issue on the ballot this November.

The threat we face is not hypothetical; it is accurate and present. Insurrectionists, terrorists, fascists, and despots are mobilizing to tear apart the fabric of our democracy. They seek to overturn the principles that generations of Americans have fought and died to defend. We honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice, and we must now rise to protect the values they uphold.

I am one of those who have offered my life for the cause of democracy. As a veteran and a federal official, I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. This oath is a lifetime commitment shared by all who have served in our military and government.

The truth is that Donald Trump is ineligible to be President. His actions have shown a disregard for the rule of law and democratic norms. It is imperative that President Biden, who has the power and responsibility to protect our democracy, take decisive action to ensure that Trump does not get near the White House again.

President Biden must use every tool to safeguard our democratic institutions and honor the sacrifices of the brave men and women who sustained us. This is a moment of truth for our nation; we cannot afford to be complacent.

We are at war for our country's soul. This is a call to action for every American who believes in democracy. We must unite against those who seek to destroy what we have built. 

What You Can Do:

  1. Vote: The most powerful tool we have to defend our democracy is our vote—every single vote counts. Make sure you are registered and plan to vote in November. Encourage your friends, family, and community to do the same.
  2. Support the Proposal: If Trump wins the electoral vote, President Biden must declare him ineligible to be President. My article, In Further Defense of the Proposal to Deny Trump the Presidency, outlines this proposal in detail. We must rally behind this proposal and ensure it is implemented to protect our nation.

Our future depends on it. Stand up, speak out, and take action. Together, we can unwaveringly defend our Constitution, democracy, and way of life.

Our democracy is on the line. Please support our proposal or propose a different solution.

Our proposal


William J. Spriggs


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