Friday, February 28, 2025


The Greedy Little Men

Two little men with hands so small,
Dreamed of a world where they owned it all.
Gold in their pockets, schemes in their eyes,
They built their empire on whispers and lies.

They spoke to the lost, the angry, the blind,
Filling their heads with the filth of their mind.
“We are your saviors, we’ll make you great,”
While stealing their futures and locking their fate.

One man, a jester, loud and obscene,
Drunk on his power, a madman's dream.
The other, a shadow, cunning and sly,
Pulling the strings as the people comply.

They fed on division, they thrived on the hate,
Turning the land into factions of fate.
They silenced the truth, they gutted the laws,
Crowning themselves as the kings of the cause.

The courts became puppets, the press turned to dust,
Justice was shackled, its sword left to rust.
They sold off the land, the air, and the sea,
Their greed had no borders, their reign had no plea.

And when the dust settled, the banners unfurled,
Two greedy little men had conquered the world.
But power is fleeting, a crown made of sand,
And soon they would learn no empire can stand.

For greed is a poison, a venomous art,
That devours the soul and rots from the heart.
And though they may rise, they all fall in the end,
For history buries the tyrants of men.

William James Spriggs

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