Thursday, April 18, 2024


When asked why she supports him, she says, "Because he's a straight shooter." Another member of the DDE (dumbed-down electorate) says it's because he tells it like it is. Another, he's not a politician. Still another, he will drain the swamp like he said.

Over the last several decades, we've achieved the world's superior position for gullibility, failure of critical thinking, and stupidity. We have managed to produce an appalling number of brain-almost-dead citizens while at the same time allowing a few clever oligarchs to hoard most of our wealth with impunity.

From FDR to Trump, America has steadily lost its understanding of reality. In post-World War II, Americans had a firm grasp of the realities of war and the means and methods to recover and build a great nation. Its institutions served reality. The secular government was strong, academia was grounded in liberal arts and sciences, secondary education taught the basics and the classics, and religion spoke quietly of good, trustworthy charity.

America was an honorable republic and an emerging world leader in the goal of peace and prosperity. The factual-based reality was the currency of the realm. Science was the arbiter of facts. The rule of law was the sacrosanct fabric of society. A united people had fended off fascism. Brave men and women, many of whom made ultimate sacrifices, returned to take up the yoke of liberal democracy. America was the land of the free and the home of the brave. 

The institutions of government, politics, education, commerce, and religion were grounded in the reality of purpose and promise. Social ills were diagnosed, and treatments were begun. Secular morality strengthened to fill any void left by religion's lingering wartime memory.

The social safety net was mostly firm but for discrimination, racism, and unequal treatment. Those realities were recognized and exposed to the light of redress. The course was clear. However, the bottom dropped out thanks to Reagan and the Heritage Foundation. That latter gang of would-be oligarchs has silently taken over everything except the federal government until now.

And now, the result we reap is the election of the stupidest, most vile human being on the planet because he is a straight shooter? Do you understand what he intends to shoot? What the Heritage Foundation is doing and will do? They already have stacked the Supreme Court and ushered us back to the 19th century. With Trump as its puppet, the Heritage Foundation will dismantle the federal government and install an oligarchy/theocracy. No more federal government-enforced civil rights and social benefits. No more democracy. The inmates have taken over the asylum.

1 comment:

  1. Bill,
    This is excellent!! Will you please post this on FB. You need to be seen and heard, publically!!
