Monday, April 15, 2024


We, the people, are "they." Yes, voters for Trump, listen to him. We, the people for whom lives have been sacrificed for our freedom from tyranny and for our way of life, are referred to as "they" by your despotic leader. Think about it. E pluribus unum? We, the people? No. We are the "they" he aspires to rule, and you are voting for him. We are the country he will take over, turn into a theocracy, and wreak terror on all of us who dare to resist. A dead giveaway in a single word.

You, his faithful, believe he is above the law, but you defend him as if he is subject to these laws. What laws are there, and what evidence is there that he is guilty of tyranny? Ninety-one felony charges, thousands of lies, and his unequivocal insistence he won in 2020 are evidence of tyranny. All the more so, his recent behavior, oral allusions, and admissions promise dictatorship and theocracy. He acts like he is above the law. However, the objective, scientifically verifiable evidence supports the warning that Trump is hands down guilty of tyranny.

Tyranny is a form of oppressive and unjust rule where a single individual or a small group exercises absolute power over others without regard for their rights or welfare. It often involves the abuse of authority, suppression of dissent, and the violation of fundamental human rights. The tyrant maintains control through coercion, intimidation, propaganda, or force.

That is what you are voting for.

Tyranny can arise in various forms, including dictatorship, theocracy, or oligarchy. Throughout history, many societies have struggled against tyranny in pursuing freedom, justice, and democracy. Now is the time to engage in resistance movements, civil disobedience, or revolutions to overcome Trump's tyranny. The odds are there will not be another open and fair election for decades. Dictators do not leave office willingly.

Evangelicals wake up. You also are "they." Trump will turn his back on you as soon as he is elected. Doubt my words? Look at what he did for you when he was President. Nothing. In fact, he made sure the rich got more money. You did not get any. He made sure women stayed at home breeding, and he eliminated their most precious civil rights. Look at the record objectively. Your guy was in office, but your life did not improve as he had promised. This time, with the backing of the Heritage Foundation, he will become the dictator he has promised.


1 comment:

  1. Tell me you don't want referrals from 50% of the country without telling me you don't want referrals from 50% of the country. It's amazing how supposedly "educated" people will swallow a party line. Good job counselors!
