Sunday, April 14, 2024


The Republicans turned ultra-conservative, turned maniacally religious, turned racist, and misogynistic have sent women packing back to the 1800s to start all over again trying to obtain their Constitutionally ordained rights of citizenship. Shame on sociopathic men and women in the distinct minority for cheating and stealing their way into a complete subjugation of half the population. When will the American people wake up and realize democracy is dying. Today, minority rules. Tomorrow, fascism and theocracy.

Put Democrats back in charge of both houses of Congress, the Whitehouse, and expand the Supreme Court to include 6 fair-minded women.

The Backward March: How the Evangelical Theocratic Movement is Rolling Back Women's Rights

Introduction: In recent years, the United States has witnessed a resurgence of the evangelical/theocratic movement, a political and social force that wields significant influence. Unfortunately, one of the most alarming consequences of this resurgence has been the erosion of women's rights, threatening to roll back hard-won progress by at least a century.

Historical Context: For decades, the United States has been a battleground for women's rights, with significant strides in suffrage, reproductive rights, and workplace equality. However, the rise of the evangelical/theocratic movement has posed a formidable challenge to these advancements, advocating for regressive policies rooted in religious ideology.

Erosion of Reproductive Rights: Under the guise of morality and religious conviction, evangelical groups have spearheaded efforts to restrict access to reproductive healthcare. Across the country, restrictive abortion laws have been enacted, effectively limiting women's autonomy and access to safe and legal abortion services. Furthermore, attacks on organizations like Planned Parenthood have undermined essential reproductive healthcare services for millions of women.

Undermining Gender Equality: Central to the evangelical/theocratic ideology is the promotion of traditional gender roles, which perpetuate stereotypes and reinforce inequality. The concept of complementarianism, which asserts male leadership and female submission, is championed by many within this movement. Consequently, women find themselves relegated to subordinate roles in marriage, education, and the workplace, hindering their ability to participate and thrive in society fully.

Backlash Against Gender Justice: As movements advocating for gender justice, such as #MeToo and LGBTQ+ rights, have gained momentum, the evangelical/theocratic movement has mounted a fierce backlash. Leaders within this movement have actively opposed efforts to combat sexual harassment and discrimination, citing religious beliefs as justification. This has created a hostile environment for those seeking justice and equality.

Impact on Education and Healthcare: The influence of the evangelical/theocratic movement extends into areas such as education and healthcare, where policies are shaped to align with conservative values. Abstinence-only education programs, endorsed by evangelical groups, withhold vital information about sexual health and contraception, putting young people at risk. Additionally, efforts to defund or dismantle comprehensive sex education programs further exacerbate the problem, perpetuating ignorance and endangering public health.

The Role of the Judiciary: The appointment of conservative judges sympathetic to the values of the evangelical/theocratic movement has profound implications for women's rights. These judges can shape court decisions on reproductive rights and gender equality, potentially rolling back decades of progress. Their influence underscores the urgent need for vigilance and advocacy to defend women's rights.

Conclusion: The resurgence of the evangelical/theocratic movement in the United States represents a significant threat to women's rights and gender equality. Through legislative initiatives, cultural influence, and judicial appointments, this movement seeks to turn back the clock on decades of progress, relegating women to second-class status. To combat this regressive agenda, advocates must mobilize, resist, and persist in the fight for women's rights and social justice. Only through collective action can we ensure a future where all individuals, regardless of gender, are truly equal and free.

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