Monday, July 1, 2024


The Age of American Corruption: A 40-Year Decline and the Trumpian Mafia State

For the past four decades, the United States has witnessed an erosion of democratic values and a rise in systemic corruption. This corruption has been driven by an unyielding adherence to unfettered capitalism, facilitating the transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich. This period has culminated in the Trump administration, which turned the White House into a mafia-like enterprise, further deepening the chasm between the elite and the ordinary American citizen. In this corrupt landscape, even evangelical leaders have played a role, aligning themselves with political power for their own ends.

The Republican Agenda: Unfettered Capitalism

Since the 1980s, the Republican Party has championed policies that deregulate industries, cut taxes for the wealthy, and dismantle social safety nets. These policies, marketed as measures to spur economic growth, have disproportionately benefited the rich while leaving the working class and the poor to fend for themselves. The belief in trickle-down economics has proven to be a fallacy, with wealth accumulating at the top and failing to flow down to the masses.

This period saw the repeal of critical regulations that protected consumers and the environment. The financial crisis of 2008 was a direct result of such deregulation, where Wall Street's greed went unchecked, leading to widespread economic collapse. The aftermath of the crisis saw millions lose their homes and jobs while the perpetrators were bailed out and continued to profit.

Trump’s Mafia-Like Empire

When Donald Trump assumed the presidency in 2017, he brought a long history of questionable business practices and a penchant for authoritarianism. Trump’s tenure was marked by blatant conflicts of interest, as he used the office to enrich himself and his family. From the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., where he profited from foreign dignitaries to his numerous golf trips that funneled taxpayer money into his businesses, Trump operated with impunity.

Under Trump's administration, the line between government and business blurred. His cabinet was filled with industry insiders and lobbyists, ensuring that policy decisions favored corporate interests. The Trump administration’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted this corruption, with lucrative contracts awarded to friends and allies, often without proper oversight.

Congressional Complicity

The corruption extended beyond the executive branch. Congress, particularly the Republican members, often turned a blind eye to Trump's actions, if not outright endorsing them. The tax cuts passed in 2017 were a windfall for the wealthy and corporations, further entrenching economic inequality.

Investigations into Trump’s dealings were stymied or outright blocked. The impeachment proceedings, though shedding light on some of his misconduct, failed to result in conviction due to partisan loyalty. This complicity has undermined the checks and balances that are supposed to safeguard American democracy.

The Supreme Court’s Role

The Supreme Court, too, has played a role in this age of corruption. Decisions such as Citizens United v. FEC have unleashed a torrent of dark money into politics, allowing wealthy individuals and corporations to have outsized influence on elections and policy. The recent rulings on voting rights and gerrymandering have further entrenched the power of the elite, making it harder for ordinary citizens to have their voices heard.

Evangelical Complicity

In a twist that further underscores the pervasive nature of this corruption, many evangelical leaders have thrown their support behind these political machinations. Driven by a desire to influence policy on issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage, these religious figures have often overlooked ethical breaches and moral failings in pursuit of their goals. This alignment has provided a veneer of moral legitimacy to corrupt practices, further entrenching the power of the political elite.

The Way Forward

Addressing this entrenched corruption requires a multifaceted approach. There must be a recommitment to regulations that protect the public and ensure fair competition. Campaign finance reform is essential to reduce the influence of money in politics. Strengthening oversight and accountability mechanisms will help restore trust in government institutions.

Moreover, there must be a cultural shift that values ethical behavior and public service over personal gain. The American people must demand more from their leaders and hold them accountable at the ballot box. Religious leaders, too, must return to their foundational ethical principles and advocate for justice and integrity.


The past forty years have been marked by a steady erosion of democratic norms and the rise of a corrupt, unfettered capitalist system that benefits the few at the expense of the many. The Trump administration’s blatant self-enrichment and authoritarian tendencies have accelerated this corruption. We must learn from this period and take concrete steps to restore integrity and fairness to our political and economic systems. The future of American democracy depends on it, and it requires the collective effort of politicians, religious leaders, and citizens alike to bring about meaningful change.

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