Wednesday, July 3, 2024


The Lawless Supreme Court: A Threat to Judicial Stability and Democracy

The recent actions of the Supreme Court have raised profound concerns about the stability and integrity of the American legal system. Since overturning nearly 50 years of precedent on abortion with the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision, the Court has consistently ignored established precedents, effectively making new laws in every area it has touched. This trend has culminated in the controversial decision to place the President above the law, challenging the foundational principle of stare decisis and threatening the very fabric of our judicial system.

The Erosion of Stare Decisis

Stare decisis, the legal doctrine that obligates courts to follow historical cases when making a ruling on a similar case, is the cornerstone of judicial stability. It ensures that the law is predictable and consistent, allowing individuals and businesses to plan their affairs with a degree of certainty. In law school, it is one of the first principles taught, emphasizing that "the thing has been decided" and should remain settled to maintain an orderly legal system.

The Supreme Court's recent decisions, however, have shown a blatant disregard for this doctrine. By overturning Roe v. Wade, the Court not only dismantled nearly half a century of established precedent but also set a dangerous precedent for future rulings. This decision has paved the way for a series of rulings that ignore long-standing precedents, undermining the stability of judge-made law and influencing statutory law in unpredictable ways.

The Impact of Judicial Activism

The Court's willingness to depart from precedent has far-reaching implications. It signals a shift towards judicial activism, where justices are perceived to be making laws rather than interpreting them. This trend is particularly evident in recent decisions that have placed unprecedented powers in the hands of the President, effectively placing the executive branch above the law.

Such decisions challenge the fundamental principle of checks and balances that underpins the American system of government. By placing the President above the law, the Supreme Court is eroding the accountability mechanisms that are essential for a functioning democracy. This undermines the rule of law and threatens the democratic principles upon which the United States was founded.

The Consequences of Unchecked Power

The implications of a lawless Supreme Court are profound. When the highest court in the land ignores established precedents, it sends a message that the law is malleable and subject to the whims of those in power. This creates a climate of uncertainty and instability, where legal decisions are unpredictable and subject to change with the shifting ideologies of the justices.

Moreover, placing the President above the law sets a dangerous precedent for future administrations. It opens the door to potential abuses of power, where the executive branch can operate with impunity, free from judicial oversight. This concentration of power threatens the democratic fabric of the nation and undermines the principles of accountability and transparency.

A Call to Restore Judicial Integrity

In light of these developments, it is imperative to call for restoring judicial integrity and adherence to the principle of stare decisis. The Supreme Court must recognize the importance of maintaining established precedents to ensure the stability and predictability of the legal system. This is not just a matter of legal doctrine but a fundamental requirement for preserving democracy and the rule of law.

Restoring judicial integrity requires a commitment to impartiality and recognition of the Court's role in interpreting, not making, the law. Justices must uphold the principles of stare decisis and ensure that their decisions are grounded in established legal precedents. This will restore public confidence in the judiciary and safeguard the democratic principles upon which the United States was founded.


The Supreme Court's recent actions represent a troubling departure from the foundational principles of American jurisprudence. By ignoring established precedents and placing the President above the law, the Court is undermining the legal system's stability and predictability. The Court must reaffirm its commitment to stare decisis and restore judicial integrity to ensure the continued stability of our democracy and the rule of law.

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