Monday, July 29, 2024


Preserving Our Democracy: President Biden’s Duty to Declare Trump Ineligible

In the face of an unprecedented threat to our democracy, President Joe Biden has a crucial role in preserving the integrity of the United States. The potential re-election of Donald Trump poses a clear and present danger to our democratic institutions, and it is within Biden’s authority to declare Trump ineligible for the presidency, even if Trump wins the electoral college vote.

The Case for Ineligibility

The arguments for Trump’s ineligibility are manifold and compelling. They stem from his actions, which have consistently undermined democratic norms and institutions, and his clear intent to dismantle our government's foundational principles. His threat is not hypothetical but is evidenced by his statements and actions.

  1. Subversion of Democratic Processes: Trump’s involvement in the events leading up to and including January 6, 2021, constitutes a direct attack on the democratic process. His efforts to overturn a legitimate election result, his incitement of violence, and his disregard for the rule of law are grounds for ineligibility. These actions are not just unbecoming of a presidential candidate; they are antithetical to the oath to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
  2. Threat to National Security: Trump’s handling of classified information, his willingness to engage with foreign adversaries for personal gain, and his erratic foreign policy decisions have compromised national security. A president must prioritize the nation’s safety above all else, and Trump’s past behavior indicates he cannot be trusted with such a responsibility.
  3. Intent to Dismantle Government Institutions: Trump has explicitly stated his intention to dismantle the executive workforce and replace civil servants with loyalists. This plan is a direct assault on the independence and professionalism of our government institutions. It aims to erode the checks and balances essential for a functioning democracy.

The Role of President Biden

As the sitting president, Joe Biden must uphold the Constitution and protect the nation from foreign and domestic threats. In light of Trump’s clear and ongoing threat to democracy, Biden must take decisive action to prevent him from assuming office again.

  1. Constitutional Authority: The president has the authority to act in the interest of national security and preserve democratic institutions. By declaring Trump ineligible, Biden would be exercising his constitutional duty to protect the nation from a candidate who has demonstrated a willingness to subvert democratic processes for personal gain.
  2. Precedent and Principle: The Supreme Court’s ruling in the Colorado case should be viewed in the context of preserving democratic integrity. The court’s decision is wrong, not supported by precedent, and does not override the president’s responsibility to protect the Constitution. In this exceptional circumstance, Biden must prioritize the broader principles of democracy over a flawed judicial ruling.
  3. Public Mandate: Americans have repeatedly desired a leader who respects democratic norms and values. Biden’s declaration of Trump’s ineligibility would align with the public’s demand for accountability and the preservation of democratic principles. It would send a strong message that the United States will not tolerate leaders who undermine the very foundation of our government.


The preservation of American democracy is the foremost responsibility of the President of the United States. President Joe Biden would be acting in the nation's best interest in declaring Donald Trump ineligible for the presidency. This decisive action is justified and necessary to ensure that our democratic institutions remain intact and that the United States continues to be a beacon of democracy for the world.

President Biden, by exercising his authority to protect the Constitution, can prevent a dangerous precedent and safeguard the future of American democracy. It is a bold step, but in these unprecedented times, boldness is required to defend the principles upon which our nation was founded.

William James Sprigga



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