Saturday, August 31, 2024


A Call for Military Values in Civil Society: A Path to Reforming America’s Political Structure

I am neither a Democrat, Republican, or Independent. I'm a non-practicing socialist. My beliefs often place me at odds with the political landscape of the United States, where my ideas seem far from mainstream acceptance. Socialism is not complicated; a version of it is already practiced within our military. The Marine Corps, for instance, instills values of morality, leadership, empathy, respect for authority, continued lifetime learning, professional and courteous behavior, duty to country, and respect for experience. These are principles that every American could benefit from embracing, yet they remain confined to those who serve.

Moreover, the military is not just about instilling values; it also provides a model of how a society can care for its members. Service members receive a fair and reliable paycheck and access to universal healthcare, housing, and living assistance. These are basic needs that many Americans struggle to secure in their civilian lives. The military demonstrates that offering these essentials within a structured system is possible, promoting stability and well-being for all who serve.

Political Reform: A Military-Inspired Approach

Our current political structure desperately needs reform. As a non-practicing socialist, I often find myself voting for Democrats, but lately, their incessant fundraising tactics have made me reconsider my support. Leading up to Election Day, I have received over 200 emails, texts, and phone calls daily begging for money. It’s disheartening and frustrating to feel my vote has a price tag. Voting should not be a financial transaction but a civic duty, free of coercion and financial burdens.

Adopting military virtues in our political system would mean prioritizing public service over self-interest. It would mean that our leaders, like those in the military, are held to a higher standard of conduct, focusing on integrity, respect, and duty to the country above all else. Imagine a political landscape where leaders are more concerned with the welfare of the people than with their next fundraising goal. Imagine if they led with empathy, showed proper respect for the opposition, and valued the experience and expertise of those who have dedicated their lives to public service.

Capitalism with a Moral Compass

While my views lean toward socialism, I recognize the benefits of capitalism, particularly in terms of innovation and economic growth. The means and manner of production can remain capitalistic. Still, capitalism needs a moral compass—a set of guidelines ensuring fairness, equity, and a commitment to the common good. The military’s approach to caring for its people—through fair pay, healthcare, housing, and support services—shows that these principles coexist with a system driven by efficiency and performance.

A Path Forward

We must start with a fundamental value shift to reform our political practices and structure. We should look to the military not for its command structure but for its commitment to principles that transcend individual ambition. Leaders should be chosen for their ability to serve, not just to campaign. Political parties should focus less on fundraising and more on policy, service, and the real issues affecting Americans daily.

Reforming America’s political structure is not about choosing between socialism and capitalism; it’s about finding a balance that incorporates the best of both. It’s about recognizing that the virtues we teach our soldiers—morality, leadership, empathy, and respect—are not just for the battlefield but for the boardroom, the classroom, and the halls of Congress. The military’s example of providing fair compensation, healthcare, and support reminds us that we can create a system that cares for its people. Only by embracing these values can we hope to create a more just, fair, and united society.

William James Spriggs



The Joy of Exploration: Why I’ve Spent 85 Years Grappling with Life’s Big Questions

"An unexamined life is not worth living." Socrates' ancient wisdom rings as true today as it did two millennia ago. At 85, I reflect on my life's journey—a journey defined by a relentless quest to understand the profound mysteries of our existence. From the universe's origins to the purpose of life, the existence of God, the basis for religious belief, the cause of human suffering, the origin and what we know about the universe, immutable laws of the cosmos and logic, and man's inhumanity to man. I've spent my entire life grappling with questions that many choose to gloss over.

The truth is, not everyone embarks on this quest. In my encounters with others, I am often amazed at how many have never deeply considered these fundamental issues. It's as though life’s biggest questions—those that touch the core of what it means to be human—go unexamined, passed over in favor of the every day and the superficial.

Exploring these existential questions has been exhilarating for me. It has contributed to my enjoyment of life and has liberated me from superstition and unfounded beliefs. The greatest benefit of my lifelong inquiry has been the freedom from "tooth fairy religions" that demand belief without evidence and promise rewards in some unprovable afterlife. By questioning everything and accepting nothing on blind faith, I've found clarity and peace that no dogma can provide.

Many find comfort in religious beliefs or societal norms that offer easy answers, but I find my comfort in the unknown and the quest for truth. To grapple with life's big questions is not to expect definitive answers but to find joy in the journey. It's a journey that encourages curiosity, fosters intellectual freedom, and, most importantly, provides liberation from the myths that often serve to control rather than enlighten.

I've often wondered why so many people shy away from this journey. Perhaps it's the discomfort of uncertainty or the daunting prospect of confronting deeply held beliefs. Maybe it's the fast pace of modern life, where time for reflection seems a luxury few can afford. Yet, the rewards are immense for those who take the time to explore. The journey toward understanding our universe, our purpose, and the human condition is not just a path to knowledge—it’s a path to freedom.

Looking back on 85 years of exploration, I see a life enriched by the questions and truths I've sought. My journey has been about more than just finding answers; it’s been about rejecting the easy comforts of superstition and instead embracing the exhilarating freedom that comes with a life of inquiry. This is the joy of the examined life, which I wish more would experience.

In a world filled with complexities, injustices, and suffering, the need to question and understand is more critical than ever. So, I encourage others: don’t shy away from the big questions. Dive into them, grapple with them, and find your path to freedom from superstition. It's a journey worth taking that can enrich your life and provide a deeper understanding of the world and your place within it.

William James Spriggs


Friday, August 30, 2024


The Looming Threat to the Rule of Law: A Warning About the Future of the Supreme Court

In the ongoing battle for the soul of American democracy, the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 presents one of the most alarming threats to the integrity of our nation’s judicial system. If Donald Trump were to secure another term in office, we must brace for a seismic shift in the balance of the Supreme Court. Reports indicate that two ultra-conservative justices are poised to resign, paving the way for Trump to appoint two young, ideologically extreme justices who are likely to be less conservative than fascistic in their outlook. This shift would not merely solidify a conservative supermajority—it would dismantle the rule of law as we know it.

The current Supreme Court has already demonstrated a troubling departure from judicial restraint and adherence to precedent. Stare decisis, the bedrock principle that underpins the stability of our legal system, has been cast aside in favor of ideological expediency. This Court has consistently ruled in ways that undermine established legal norms, often disregarding long-standing precedents that once served as a check against the arbitrary exercise of judicial power.

We have previously criticized the Court's recent decisions for their lack of fidelity to precedent and reasoned legal analysis. Notable examples include the erosion of voting rights protections, the overturning of reproductive rights established in Roe v. Wade, and the ongoing assault on the separation of church and state. Each decision weakens individual freedoms and signals the Court's willingness to impose a radical, regressive agenda on the American public. The dismantling of stare decisis has unleashed a Court unbound by the rules that once constrained it, allowing for the wholesale rewriting of the law according to the whims of its majority.

The consequences will be dire if the Heritage Foundation’s cabal achieves its goals. A Court filled with young, fervently ideological justices will have the power to reshape American law for decades. This is not merely a conservative shift—it is a transformation into a judicial body willing to endorse autocratic principles and dismantle the fundamental liberties that define our democracy.

We must be vigilant in protecting the rule of law. The stakes have never been higher. This is a clarion call to every American who values freedom and justice: the future of our judiciary—and, by extension, our democracy—hangs in the balance. We cannot afford complacency. Our actions today will determine whether we live in a nation governed by the rule of law or by the arbitrary dictates of a radical Supreme Court.

William James Spriggs


Thursday, August 29, 2024


Unveiling the Hidden Agenda Behind Project 2025: A Threat to the American Experiment

The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 is more than just a policy blueprint; it is a carefully orchestrated attempt to reshape American governance into something unrecognizable and far more dangerous. While it may be a patriotic effort to reclaim conservative values, the reality is far more insidious. The authors of this project are not merely pushing a political agenda—they are laying the groundwork for a profound transformation that could spell the end of the American experiment as we know it. This agenda is deeply rooted in exploiting the vulnerabilities of our democracy and capitalizing on the compliance of millions who may be content with symbolic recognition, even if it means sacrificing their freedoms.

The American Experiment: Vulnerable and Under Siege

The architects of Project 2025 are acutely aware of the vulnerabilities inherent in the American democratic experiment. They recognize that the foundational ideals of liberty, equality, and justice for all are precarious, especially when public trust in institutions is at an all-time low. This fragility is not lost on them; it is, in fact, the cornerstone of their strategy. They see an opportunity to exploit this weakness, to dismantle the very structures that have kept the nation afloat, all while promising a return to a mythical era of greatness.

What lies beneath this rhetoric is a calculated effort to destabilize democracy, replacing it with a system where power is concentrated in the hands of a select few. This system, inspired by autocratic models like that of modern Russia, thrives on the suppression of dissent, the erosion of civil liberties, and the enrichment of those who pull the strings behind the scenes. The authors of Project 2025 are not interested in preserving the American way of life; they are preparing to pick up the pieces when the current system collapses under their orchestrated chaos.

Exploiting the Masses: Contentment as Enslavement

Central to the success of Project 2025 is the exploitation of millions who are content to be recognized, even if that recognition comes at the cost of their freedom. This is the dark genius of the project: it taps into the human desire for belonging and validation, even if it means trading away autonomy and self-determination. The authors of this project understand that a populace content with symbolic gestures—whether through empty slogans or superficial acknowledgments—can be easily manipulated and controlled.

This manipulation is not new; it is a tactic as old as politics itself. By cloaking themselves in the garb of authority—waving the symbols of patriotism and faith—these con artists present themselves as saviors of a lost nation. But beneath the red ties and patriotic rhetoric lies a deep-seated contempt for the very people they claim to represent. They view the masses not as citizens deserving of rights and opportunities but as pawns in their game of power and wealth accumulation.

The Greedy Grifter's Path to Wealth: A New Theocracy

Project 2025 is not just a political manifesto; it is a blueprint for a theocratic regime where the separation of church and state is obliterated, and the rule of law is replaced with the rule of faith. This theocracy, however, is not about genuine religious conviction; it is a smokescreen for a more sinister agenda. The authors of this project are not driven by a desire to serve a higher moral purpose—they are driven by greed. They see in the merging of religion and politics a path to immense wealth as they co-opt religious fervor to secure their power.

The push for a theocratic state is merely a means to an end. It allows these grifters to claim moral superiority while stripping away rights and protections under the guise of divine will. They are positioning themselves to seize control of the nation's resources and wealth once the American democratic experiment has been dismantled. This is not about faith; it is about control. It is about creating a society where the few live lavishly off the labor and submission of the many, all justified by a twisted interpretation of religious doctrine.

The Endgame: A Russian-Style Oligarchy

The true aim of Project 2025's authors is to create a society that mirrors the Russian model: an oligarchy where power is concentrated in the hands of a few, dissent is crushed, and the state operates without accountability. In this vision, the rule of law is nothing more than a tool for maintaining control, and the voices of the people are silenced in favor of the whims of the powerful. It is a vision where wealth and influence are the ultimate goals, achieved at the expense of the nation's democratic principles and the well-being of its citizens.

The danger of this project cannot be overstated. It is not merely a conservative agenda; it is a direct assault on the very essence of what it means to be American. It seeks to replace democracy with autocracy, freedom with servitude, and truth with propaganda. The authors of Project 2025 are not interested in making America great—they are interested in making themselves great, no matter the cost to the nation.

Conclusion: A Call to Awareness and Action

As citizens, we must be vigilant and discerning. We must see through the veneer of patriotism and faith that cloaks the true intentions of those behind Project 2025. The American experiment, though imperfect, is a testament to the ideals of liberty and democracy that have inspired generations. We cannot afford to let it be hijacked by those who would use it for personal gain at the expense of the many. It is time to stand up against this dangerous agenda, defend the principles that make our nation worth fighting for, and ensure that the American dream remains a reality for all, not just the privileged few.

 William James Spriggs


The Harmful Impact of Religion: A Critical Examination

Ricky Gervais, a well-known atheist, has remarked that religion provides comfort to those who seek relief from the fear of death. While this perspective acknowledges the psychological solace religion might offer, I contend that the harm caused by religion far outweighs its benefits. Throughout history, religion has been a source of conflict, division, and manipulation. It continues to play this divisive role, stifling progress and ethical evolution.

Religion as a Source of Conflict and Division

One of the most significant harms of religion is its tendency to foster conflict and division. From the Crusades to modern-day terrorism, religious wars and persecutions have caused untold suffering and destruction. When belief systems are held as absolute truths, they can be weaponized against those who do not conform, fostering hatred and intolerance. The "us versus them" mentality engendered by many religions promotes division, preventing communities from embracing diversity and coexistence.

The Suppression of Critical Thinking

Religion often demands blind faith, discouraging questioning and skepticism. From an early age, individuals are taught to accept religious dogma without critical examination, stifling intellectual growth and suppressing independent thought. Richard Dawkins, a prominent critic of religion, argues that religion inhibits progress because it opposes scientific inquiry and rational thinking. He contends that religion hinders progression in all areas, including morality, where inflexible, dogmatic teachings often resist evolving ethical standards.

Morality Manipulated for Power

While religions claim to provide a moral framework, these frameworks can be manipulated to serve the interests of those in power. Religious institutions have often used their influence to control populations, dictate social norms, and maintain authority. This control is manifested in oppressive laws, discriminatory practices, and the suppression of rights, particularly for women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and other marginalized groups. Under the guise of divine will, religion has justified atrocities, including slavery, colonialism, and systemic inequality.

Psychological Harm and Guilt

Though some may find comfort in religion, many others suffer under its burdensome weight. The concepts of sin, judgment, and eternal damnation can instill deep fear, guilt, and anxiety. For those who cannot conform to religious expectations, these feelings may lead to psychological harm, including depression and self-loathing. While the promise of an afterlife may offer temporary relief from the fear of death, it often comes at the expense of a life burdened by guilt, shame, and a sense of inadequacy.

A Force Against Progress

Richard Dawkins emphasizes that religion stands against scientific and social progress, often opposing advancements that rely on evidence, reason, and ethical evolution. Many religious doctrines resist change and cling to traditions that no longer serve humanity's best interests. This resistance is evident in debates over human rights, such as gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and access to contraception and abortion. When religious beliefs are prioritized over human rights, progress stalls, and suffering continues. As Dawkins notes, religion is antithetical to science and inhibits progress on all fronts, including the most crucial aspect of human development: morality.


While figures like Ricky Gervais suggest that religion can offer comfort to those fearing death, it is crucial to consider the broader, often detrimental impacts of religious belief systems. Religion, in its many forms, has frequently caused more harm than good—fostering division, stifling critical thinking, manipulating morality for power, inflicting psychological harm, and resisting progress. As Richard Dawkins argues, religion is not just a barrier to scientific understanding but to moral advancement. To build a more just and equitable world, we must critically examine the role of religion in our lives and seek new ethical frameworks that promote human flourishing without resorting to fear or dogma.

 William James Spriggs

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


The Unyielding Need for Compromise: Learning from the Lessons of the First Civil War

America was founded on the very essence of compromise. Our Constitution is a testament to the resolve of divergent minds meeting in the middle, driven by a shared vision of a republic that could accommodate varying views and values. Compromise wasn’t a mere option; it was a necessity. Yet, our history has shown that when compromise breaks down, so does the nation.

The starkest example of this failure was the mid-19th century when our inability to bridge profound moral and social divides led to the Civil War. This brutal conflict decimated the country. The lesson from that dark chapter should be clear: without the ability to compromise, a republic cannot survive. And yet, here we stand again, seemingly on the precipice of another disaster, torn apart by our unwillingness to engage in the hard work of finding common ground.

The Breakdown of Compromise in the 19th Century

In the years leading up to the Civil War, America was deeply divided over the issue of slavery. The North and South held fundamentally different views on the morality and economic necessity of the institution. Efforts to reach compromises—such as the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850—were ultimately undone by extremist positions on both sides. The nation failed to find a sustainable path forward, resulting in catastrophic consequences.

The Civil War not only cost countless lives, but it also scarred the American psyche and tested the very fabric of our union. While the war ended slavery, it did not end the struggle for justice, equality, and a more perfect union. What followed was a painful, slow process of rebuilding and finding new ways to compromise to create a country encompassing all its citizens, regardless of race or region.

The Modern Parallel: A Nation Divided Again

Today, we face another crisis that eerily echoes the divisions of the past. Polarization in our society has reached a fever pitch, and once again, the forces of extremism and intransigence threaten to pull us apart. We see it in the culture wars, the political gridlock, and the erosion of faith in our democratic institutions. At the heart of this crisis lies the failure to compromise.

The stark reality is that compromise is impossible without a foundation built on truth and justice. In the 19th century, the fundamental disagreement over human rights—the basic moral principle that all people are created equal—was the breaking point. Today, we see a similar moral chasm. The amorality represented by figures like Donald Trump, who embody self-interest, deceit, and a disregard for democratic norms, starkly contrasts those who seek to uphold the principles of truth and justice.

Shedding Amorality for a Better Future

The challenge before us is not just political but moral. To avoid another civil war, we must first recognize that compromise cannot exist in a moral vacuum. It must be grounded in an unwavering commitment to truth and justice. Compromise does not mean yielding to falsehoods or accepting injustices. Instead, it means working together to build a society that reflects our highest ideals—fair, equitable, and just.

The path forward requires us to shed the amorality that has taken hold of our political discourse. This means rejecting the demagoguery and lies that have characterized our recent history. It means standing up to those who would tear down the institutions that protect our freedoms and rights. It means recognizing that figures like Vice President Kamala Harris, who have dedicated their lives to public service, represent a commitment to truth and justice vital to our nation’s future.

Learning from the First Civil War: The Need for Moral Compromise

The lesson of the Civil War is clear: we must compromise to survive. But this time, our compromises must be grounded in a moral framework that reflects who we are as a people. We cannot compromise with those who seek to undermine the foundations of our democracy. We cannot compromise with those who reject the values of equality and justice.

Instead, we must find new ways to work together, bridge our differences, and build a future that honors the sacrifices of those who came before us. The answer is not in division but in unity—based on truth and justice. Only then can we avoid repeating our past mistakes and ensure that our nation remains a beacon of hope and freedom for generations.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

We stand at a crossroads, much like the one we faced in the 19th century. The choice is ours: do we continue down a path of division and discord, or do we find a way to come together and move forward? The answer lies in our willingness to compromise, not out of weakness, but of strength—strength rooted in truth and justice.

We must embrace the moral principles that define us as a nation and choose leaders who reflect those principles and will fight for a just and fair society. The time for compromise, grounded in truth, is now. Let us learn from the past or risk repeating it. The future of our democracy depends on it.

William James Spriggs 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


The Specific Dangers of Project 2025: How Tariffs and Deregulation Could Lead to Economic Collapse

As the 2024 election looms, it's essential to examine the specific threats posed by Project 2025, the Republican blueprint for reshaping the American government and economy. While the broad strokes of this plan are troubling, the details reveal even more significant dangers to our nation's stability and prosperity. In particular, the proposed tariffs on foreign-made goods and services, aggressive downsizing, and government deregulation could lead to catastrophic economic consequences, potentially triggering a depression.

Threatened Tariffs: A Recipe for Economic Disaster

One of the most alarming aspects of Project 2025 is the potential for new tariffs on foreign-made goods and services. These tariffs, often touted to protect American jobs and industries, could have the opposite effect, leading to widespread economic damage.

  1. Rising Costs for Businesses and Consumers: Tariffs increase the cost of imported goods, leading to higher consumer prices. Businesses that rely on foreign-made components or raw materials would face increased production costs, which could force them to raise prices or reduce their workforce to maintain profitability. This inflationary pressure would hurt consumer spending, a key driver of economic growth.
  2. Retaliatory Tariffs and Trade Wars: History has shown that tariffs often lead to retaliatory measures from other countries. If the United States imposes tariffs, other nations will likely respond in kind, leading to a trade war that could severely disrupt global supply chains. American exporters would face reduced access to international markets, harming the economy.
  3. Damage to Global Relations and Partnerships: Tariffs could strain relationships with key trading partners, leading to long-term damage to international alliances. This could reduce foreign investment in the United States and make it more difficult for American businesses to compete in global markets.
  4. Job Losses in Export-Dependent Industries: While tariffs may protect some domestic industries in the short term, they can lead to significant job losses in industries that rely on exports. As foreign markets close off to American goods, companies in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and technology could be forced to downsize or shut down operations.

Downsizing and Deregulation: A Path to Economic Depression

Another core component of Project 2025 is the aggressive downsizing and deregulation of the federal government. While proponents argue that these measures would reduce government waste and spur economic growth, the reality is far more dangerous.

  1. Collapse of Critical Infrastructure and Services: Downsizing the federal government would likely lead to dismantling essential services and infrastructure businesses and citizens rely on. Cuts to regulatory agencies, for example, could result in unsafe working conditions, environmental degradation, and financial instability, all of which could devastate the economy.
  2. Financial Instability and Market Crashes: Deregulation, particularly in the financial sector, could remove critical safeguards that prevent reckless behavior by corporations and financial institutions. Without these regulations, the economy would be more vulnerable to speculative bubbles and market crashes, similar to the 2008 financial crisis. The resulting economic turmoil could trigger a deep recession or even a depression.
  3. Widening Inequality and Social Unrest: Deregulation often benefits the wealthy at the expense of the working and middle classes. As income inequality widens, social unrest could grow, leading to increased political instability and further economic decline. A divided and unstable society is not conducive to long-term economic growth.
  4. Undermining of Consumer and Environmental Protections: Deregulation could weaken or eliminate important consumer and environmental protections. This could result in lower-quality products, higher health risks, and increased environmental damage, all of which would impose significant costs on society and the economy.

The Risks Are Real: A Call for Caution

The potential for tariffs and deregulation under Project 2025 represents a clear and present danger to the American economy. These policies, while framed as efforts to boost growth and protect American interests, could instead lead to higher prices, job losses, financial instability, and even a full-blown depression.

Businesses and policymakers must take these risks seriously. Rather than blindly embracing these proposals, they must consider the long-term consequences and advocate for policies that promote sustainable economic growth, protect workers and consumers, and maintain America's position in the global economy.


Project 2025's proposed tariffs and deregulation threaten to dismantle the very foundations of America's economic success. By raising costs, provoking trade wars, and undermining critical protections, these policies could lead to economic disaster on a scale not seen since the Great Depression. As the election approaches, it is crucial for business leaders, policymakers, and voters to understand the specific dangers of Project 2025 and to advocate for a more responsible approach to governance and economic policy.

William James Spriggs 


Project 2025: A Looming Threat to American Business and Democracy

As the 2024 election draws near, businesses across America should be aware of a significant and potentially devastating development on the horizon—Project 2025. This Republican initiative, spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation, is poised to alter the landscape of American governance radically and, by extension, the business environment. The centerpiece of this project, Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, outlines a vision for America that many experts warn could lead the nation down a dangerous path toward autocracy.

The Core Components of Project 2025

Project 2025 isn't just a policy proposal; it's a comprehensive plan for reshaping the federal government. The initiative includes:

  1. Mandate for Leadership: A book of policy recommendations that proposes sweeping changes to government institutions and policies, strongly emphasizing conservative ideals.
  2. Presidential Administration Academy: This online course is designed to train future government officials in the administration's vision and prepare them to rapidly implement these changes.
  3. Personnel Database: This is a tool for vetting and selecting individuals who align with the project's goals, ensuring that key positions within the government are filled by those who share this vision.
  4. Transition Plan Guide: This is a blueprint for a smooth and efficient transition of power, further solidifying the project's grip on government operations.

The Business Implications of Project 2025

While Project 2025 may seem a distant concern to some business leaders, its potential impact on the business environment cannot be overstated. Here are a few ways in which this initiative could adversely affect American businesses:

  1. Erosion of Rule of Law: Implementing Project 2025's policies could undermine the rule of law and the separation of powers, foundational to a stable business environment. Businesses thrive on predictability and fairness in the legal system; disrupting these principles could lead to a chaotic and uncertain market.
  2. Increased Political Risk: As its critics suggest, Project 2025's authoritarian tendencies introduce significant political risk. Companies may find themselves navigating a landscape where government decisions are less transparent and more influenced by ideological considerations rather than sound economic principles.
  3. Impact on Global Relations: The Mandate's assertion that "God defines freedom, not man" reflects a worldview that could strain international relations. Businesses that rely on global markets may face new challenges as the United States potentially alienates key trade partners and allies with differing views.
  4. Environmental and Regulatory Uncertainty: Some conservatives and Republicans have already expressed concern over the project's stance on climate change. A rollback of environmental regulations could lead to increased scrutiny and opposition from consumers, investors, and international bodies, further complicating the business landscape.
  5. Talent and Innovation Drain: An administration focused on ideological purity over expertise could discourage top talent from serving in government or even staying in the United States. Innovation, which thrives in an environment of openness and diversity, could suffer under policies prioritizing conformity over creativity.

A Call to Action for the Business Community

The business community cannot afford to sit on the sidelines as Project 2025 gains momentum. Leaders must recognize the potential dangers this initiative poses to the stability and predictability that businesses require to succeed. Now is the time to raise awareness, engage in dialogue, and advocate for policies that protect the principles of democracy and the rule of law.

Businesses have a critical role in safeguarding the future of American democracy. By opposing policies that threaten the foundations of our system, the business community can help ensure a stable, prosperous, and free future for all.


Project 2025 represents a clear and present danger not only to American democracy but also to the business environment that thrives on the principles of fairness, predictability, and respect for the rule of law. As the election approaches, business leaders must understand the stakes and take action to protect the future of their companies and the nation. The time to act is now.

William James Spriggs


Sunday, August 25, 2024


The Injustice of Belief: Why an All-Knowing God Would Provide Evidence

In a world filled with diverse cultures, religions, and beliefs, the question of God's existence remains one of human history's most profound and debated topics. Central to this debate is the notion of faith—believing in the divine without empirical evidence. However, this premise raises a critical issue: the inherent injustice of requiring belief in God and religion without concrete evidence. If an all-knowing and just God existed, would it not be reasonable to expect such a being to provide clear, undeniable evidence to support belief? The absence of such evidence challenges the fairness of requiring faith and raises essential questions about the nature of belief.

The Counterintuitive Nature of Faith

Faith, by definition, is belief without evidence. It is the trust in something or someone without needing proof. For many, faith is a virtue, a testament to one’s spiritual strength and devotion. However, when it comes to the existence of an all-knowing, all-powerful deity, the expectation of faith becomes problematic. If God truly exists and possesses omniscience, then this deity would be fully aware of the human inclination to seek evidence and reason. An intelligent creator would understand that humans, guided by logic and the scientific method, would naturally be skeptical of claims that lack empirical support.

Requiring faith in the absence of evidence is counterintuitive and unjust. It places individuals in a moral and existential dilemma: believe without proof or face the potential consequences of disbelief. This dilemma is exacerbated by different religions often presenting conflicting doctrines, each claiming to be the one true path. Without evidence to discern which, if any, is correct, individuals are left to navigate a complex and often contradictory spiritual landscape.

The Absence of Evidence: A Negative Indicator

When considering the existence of God, one might expect that evidence—such as miracles, divine revelations, or tangible signs—would be apparent and undeniable. Yet, the existing evidence is often anecdotal, subjective, and open to interpretation. Skeptics argue that the lack of clear, objective evidence is a negative indicator. Why would the evidence be so elusive if God wanted humans to believe? Why would an omnipotent being allow for ambiguity and doubt, knowing that these would lead many to skepticism or outright disbelief?

The absence of evidence does not merely leave the question of God's existence open; it suggests that belief may not be justified. For centuries, philosophers and theologians have debated the problem of evil, the hiddenness of God, and the lack of empirical proof as significant challenges to religious belief. The expectation that one should believe without evidence, or worse, in spite of contrary evidence, is unreasonable and morally troubling. It implies that reason and evidence are secondary to blind faith, a position that undermines the very principles of rational inquiry and intellectual integrity.

The Responsibility of an All-Knowing God

If an all-knowing God exists, then this deity would be fully aware of the human condition—the doubts, fears, and intellectual struggles accompanying the search for truth. Such a God would understand the importance of evidence in forming beliefs and making decisions. It stands to reason that an all-knowing, just God would provide the opportunity to believe based on clear, incontrovertible evidence. This evidence could come in many forms, from direct divine intervention to universally recognized miracles or undeniable revelations.

Therefore, the lack of such evidence raises significant questions about the nature of God and the expectations placed on believers. Is it to require belief without providing the necessary tools to arrive at that belief rationally? Is it fair to demand faith in the face of ambiguity and doubt? These questions strike at the heart of the relationship between humanity and the divine, challenging the traditional notions of faith and belief.

The Injustice of Demanding Faith Without Evidence

In conclusion, the requirement to believe in God and religion in the absence of evidence is fundamentally unjust. An all-knowing, just God would have provided clear, undeniable evidence to support belief, allowing individuals to make informed, rational decisions about their faith. The absence of such evidence not only challenges the fairness of religious belief but also calls into question the nature of God as a just and loving deity. In this context, faith becomes a burden rather than a virtue—a requirement that demands individuals forsake reason and evidence in favor of blind trust.

In a world where evidence and reason guide our understanding of reality, it is only fair to expect that the same principles apply to matters of faith. Until such evidence is provided, the demand for belief without proof remains an unjust and morally troubling expectation.

William James Spriggs

Christopher Hitchens:

Friday, August 23, 2024


Our prior call for eliminating the Electoral College mentions direct democracy, which we discuss here. We remain of the view that there is no sound reason to continue the Electoral College because it disenfranchises millions of city dwellers and creates inequality that further divides us.

The Founding Fathers were concerned about the idea of "direct democracy" because they believed it could lead to mob rule, where decisions are made based on the whims of the majority without considering the rights and needs of the minority. In a direct democracy, every decision is made by a direct vote of the people, which can result in impulsive and poorly considered decisions driven by emotion rather than reason.

The Founding Fathers wanted to create a stable government to protect individual rights and prevent any single group from gaining too much power. They were worried that in a direct democracy, famous leaders could manipulate public opinion to gain unchecked power, leading to tyranny. To avoid this, they designed a system of checks and balances, including the Electoral College, to ensure that the selection of the President would not be subject to direct popular vote but instead mediated by representatives who could deliberate and make more informed decisions.

This system was meant to balance the people's will with the need for a government that could operate effectively and protect against the potential dangers of majority rule. It was ill-conceived, short-sighted, and does not reflect today's values and geopolitical realities.

It is antiquated and discriminatory. It effectively eliminates millions of voters in populous states where recent history has shown a wide margin between the popular and Electoral College votes. This inequality further exacerbates the divisions in a country attempting to unify.

The Pernicious Electoral College: A Tool for Undermining Democracy

The Electoral College is one of the most contentious features of the American political system. Its origins trace back to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, where the Founding Fathers debated how to best elect the President of the United States. While some delegates favored direct popular vote, others feared that a pure democracy could lead to the tyranny of the majority. Thus, the Electoral College was conceived as a compromise—a system designed to balance the influence of populous and less populous states and to provide a buffer against the potential dangers of direct democracy.

The Founding Fathers were concerned about the idea of "direct democracy" because they believed it could lead to mob rule, where decisions are made based on the whims of the majority without considering the rights and needs of the minority. In a direct democracy, every decision is made by a direct vote of the people, which can result in impulsive and poorly considered decisions driven by emotion rather than reason.

The Founding Fathers wanted to create a stable government to protect individual rights and prevent any single group from gaining too much power. They were worried that in a direct democracy, famous leaders could manipulate public opinion to gain unchecked power, leading to tyranny. To avoid this, they designed a system of checks and balances, including the Electoral College, to ensure that the selection of the President would not be subject to direct popular vote but instead mediated by representatives who could deliberate and make more informed decisions.

This system was meant to balance the people's will with the need for a government that could operate effectively and protect against the potential dangers of majority rule.

  1. Compromise between Large and Small States: Smaller states were concerned that larger states would overshadow their interests if the President were elected by direct popular vote. The Electoral College system gives smaller states a slightly disproportionate influence by giving each state several electors equal to the total number of Senators and Representatives in Congress.
  2. Concerns about Direct Democracy: The Founding Fathers were wary of direct democracy, fearing that the general populace might not be well-informed enough to make sound decisions. They believed that an intermediary body of electors would be better equipped to choose a suitable candidate for the president.
  3. Protection against Regional Candidates: The Electoral College was intended to ensure that presidential candidates had to gain broad support across the country rather than focusing solely on the most populous regions.
  4. Slave States’ Influence: Another less noble reason was the protection of the interests of slave-holding states. The infamous Three-Fifths Compromise allowed states to count slaves as three-fifths of a person to apportion representation and electors, giving Southern states more political power than if only the free population were counted.

The Electoral College in Practice

While the Electoral College may have been conceived with some legitimate concerns, its application over the centuries has revealed significant flaws. The system has led to several instances where the candidate who won the popular vote did not become President, most notably in the elections of 1876, 1888, 2000, and 2016. These outcomes have sparked debates about the fairness and democratic nature of the Electoral College.

The Threat to Democracy

Recently, the Electoral College has been criticized as a tool that can be exploited to undermine democratic principles. Here are some ways in which it poses a threat:

  1. Disproportionate Influence: States with smaller populations disproportionately influence presidential elections. For example, a voter in Wyoming significantly impacts the outcome more than a voter in California. This undermines the principle of "one person, one vote."
  2. Swing State Focus: Presidential campaigns tend to focus disproportionately on so-called "swing states"—states that could reasonably be won by either major party. This means that voters in non-swing states often feel ignored and disenfranchised.
  3. Potential for Manipulation: Most states' winner-takes-all approach can lead to significant disparities between the popular and electoral votes. Gerrymandering and other tactics can manipulate this system to skew results in favor of one party.
  4. Erosion of Democratic Norms: The Electoral College can be exploited to entrench minority rule. When the system enables a candidate who did not win the popular vote to assume the presidency, it raises questions about the legitimacy of the electoral process and can erode trust in democratic institutions.

Toward a More Democratic System

The Electoral College, designed in an era vastly different from our own, increasingly appears anachronistic. To safeguard democracy, it is imperative to consider reforms that reflect contemporary values and realities. Proposals include moving to a direct popular vote for the presidency, implementing ranked-choice voting, or distributing electoral votes proportionally based on the popular vote within each state.

Reforming or abolishing the Electoral College would be challenging, requiring a constitutional amendment or significant legislative changes at the state level. However, to preserve and strengthen democracy, it is essential to address how this system can be used to subvert the will of the people and pave the way for undemocratic regimes.

In conclusion, while initially intended to balance interests and prevent rash decisions, the Electoral College has become a contentious and problematic feature of American democracy. It is crucial to re-examine this institution and strive for an electoral system reflecting the democratic ideals upon which the nation was founded.

William James Spriggs


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Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Toward a Universal Moral Code: The Next Step in Human Evolution

Our species has existed for up to 200,000 years. Over that time, we have evolved physically, morally, and ethically. As we learned to live together in increasingly complex societies, we developed moral principles and enacted laws to protect ourselves and ensure survival. These principles and laws have guided us through the challenges of civilization, but they are far from perfect. Not all moral principles are universally accepted or applied, and not all have been codified into laws. Yet, the day-to-day principles holding societies together are often essential and should be universally recognized and implemented.

The lack of a universally accepted moral code has led to countless conflicts, misunderstandings, and injustices throughout history. While different cultures and societies have moral and ethical systems, the absence of a common framework can lead to friction when those systems collide. The need for a universal moral code has never been more urgent in an increasingly interconnected world.

Such a code would not replace existing laws or religious teachings. Still, it would provide a common foundation upon which all people could agree—a set of fundamental principles that transcend cultural, religious, and national boundaries. This universal code would guide human behavior, fostering mutual respect, cooperation, and understanding.

The Proposed Universal Moral Code

Inspired by other codes for universal acceptance, we propose the following Universal Moral Code. It is intentionally brief, focusing on the most fundamental principles necessary for peaceful coexistence and the survival of our species:

  1. Respect for Life
    All human life is sacred and must be respected. The intentional harm or killing of another person is morally unacceptable, except in cases of self-defense or the defense of others.
  2. Equality of All People
    Every person, regardless of race, gender, nationality, religion, or social status, is equal in worth and dignity. Discrimination, prejudice, and oppression in any form are morally wrong.
  3. Honesty and Integrity
    Truthfulness is the foundation of trust and cooperation. Deceit, fraud, and dishonesty undermine social harmony and are morally wrong.
  4. Justice and Fairness
    All people are entitled to fair treatment under the law and in society. Justice should be impartial, and all corruption, favoritism, and bias are morally wrong.
  5. Responsibility to Others
    We are all responsible for the well-being of others, especially those who are vulnerable or in need. Kindness, compassion, and assistance are morally commendable, while neglect and indifference are morally wrong.
  6. Respect for the Environment
    The natural environment is essential for the survival of all life. We must protect and preserve the environment for future generations; actions that cause unnecessary environmental harm are morally wrong.
  7. Non-Violence
    Conflicts should be resolved through peaceful means whenever possible. Violence should only be used as a last resort and must be proportional to the threat.

Implementing the Universal Moral Code

Adopting this Universal Moral Code would require the collective effort of governments, religious institutions, educational systems, and civil society. It must be taught from a young age, ingrained in our institutions, and promoted through international cooperation. The code should be flexible enough to allow for cultural differences but firm in its core principles, providing a common ground that all people can agree upon.


Creating a universal moral code represents the next step in the evolution of our species. It acknowledges that, despite our differences, we are all part of the same human family and that certain principles are essential for our mutual survival and prosperity. By embracing this code, we can build a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world for ourselves and future generations.



Tuesday, August 20, 2024


The True Measure of Public Service: A Crucial Choice in 2024

In America, we have the luxury of enjoying prosperity and the pursuit of happiness. Our democracy grants us the freedom to vote for representatives who will fight for us, protect our rights, and work toward the collective good of our society. At the pinnacle of this democratic process is the presidency, a position that should embody the highest ideals of public service—a role that exists not to serve the self but to serve the people.

This presidential year presents a stark contrast between two visions of leadership. On one side, we have a candidate who is a proven narcissist, focused on serving himself and his fellow oligarchs. His record and rhetoric make it clear that his priorities lie in self-aggrandizement and accumulating power and wealth for a select few. He sees the presidency not as a public trust but as a personal prize, a means to an end that benefits himself and those who share his narrow interests.

On the other side, we have a candidate who stands as a true representative of the people. This candidate understands that public service is about putting the needs of the many above the desires of the few. She views the presidency as a sacred trust that demands integrity, empathy, and a deep commitment to the well-being of all Americans. Her policies reflect a genuine desire to uplift ordinary citizens' lives, ensure that prosperity is shared and that the government remains a force for good in the people's lives.

The difference between these two candidates could not be more profound. One seeks to serve himself and his cronies, while the other aims to serve the nation. One views leadership as an opportunity for personal gain, while the other sees it as a responsibility to be shouldered with humility and dedication. The choice before us is between two individuals and two fundamentally different concepts of what it means to be a public servant.

Genuine public service is vital to the health of our democracy. It is the cornerstone of a government by the people, for the people, and of the people. Without leaders who are genuinely committed to this ideal, the very fabric of our society begins to unravel. We cannot afford to place our trust in those who see public office as a means to an end that benefits only themselves. We need leaders driven by a desire to make life better for all of us, who understand that their role is to be a servant of the people. 

William James Spriggs


The Last Experiment: America's 21st-Century Saviour

The history of America, in a word, is "experiment." The founders of this nation set up a democracy unlike any the world had seen, a grand experiment in self-governance. Over the centuries, this democracy has faced countless tests—wars, economic crises, and internal divisions. Yet, through it all, the experiment has endured. However, history will record that the greatest test of all came not from external enemies but from within—a moment when a circus clown and a man with dangerous ambitions organized a coup to dismantle the very foundations of this democracy.

This coup was not a spontaneous event but the culmination of a carefully orchestrated plan laid out in a 1,000-page manifesto by intellectual conservatives. This document sought to remake America into a dictatorship and, for many, a theocracy. The coup attempted to turn the clock back on the principles of freedom and equality that had been the cornerstones of the American experiment.

Amidst this turmoil stood an unassuming public servant, a man who had dedicated his life to the principles of justice and democracy. He watched in horror as the coup unfolded, realizing that the forces arrayed against him were too powerful to be stopped by one person alone. But this man was no ordinary servant; he possessed the humility and wisdom to recognize when it was time to pass the torch.

In a move that would go down in history, he stepped aside and turned his position over to the first woman in history who was uniquely poised to lead America through its darkest hour. With her unwavering commitment to the values that had made America a beacon of hope for centuries, this woman became the face of resistance against the rise of autocracy.

She embodied the spirit of a 21st-century savior, not through force or coercion, but through a steadfast belief in the power of democracy. Her leadership galvanized a nation on the brink of losing its way. She reminded the people of what America stood for—liberty, justice, and the relentless pursuit of a more perfect union.

Under her guidance, the American experiment was not only saved but revitalized. The coup failed, the manifesto was relegated to the dustbin of history, and the forces of autocracy were vanquished. Ultimately, the unassuming public servant's decision to hand over his position to this extraordinary woman proved to be the turning point in the fight for America's soul.

As the world looks back on this pivotal moment, it is clear that America's greatest test became its greatest triumph. The experiment continued, stronger and more resilient than ever, led by a new generation of leaders who understood that the true power of democracy lies not in the hands of the few, but in the will of the people.


Monday, August 19, 2024


The Consequences of Dismantling Government and Unbridled Free-Market Economics

Over the past few decades, the United States has seen a steady dismantling of government functions and an increasing reliance on free-market economics. This shift, driven by the belief that markets are the best arbiters of value and efficiency, has had significant consequences for the country. While proponents of this approach argue that it fosters innovation and growth, the reality is that it has exacerbated many social and economic issues, leaving the United States lagging behind other developed nations in critical areas.

Healthcare Costs and the Profit Motive

The American healthcare system is one of the most glaring examples of the failure of unbridled capitalism. The United States spends more on healthcare per capita than any other developed nation, yet it consistently ranks poorly in health outcomes, life expectancy, and access to care. The root cause of this disparity is the profit motive that underpins the system. Unlike other developed countries where healthcare is seen as a public good, in the U.S., it is treated as a commodity. Insurance companies, pharmaceutical giants, and for-profit hospitals dominate the landscape, prioritizing shareholder returns over patient care.

The result is a system where intermediaries, from insurance brokers to pharmaceutical benefit managers, extract significant profits without adding value to the patient experience. Prices for medications, procedures, and hospital stays are inflated to maximize profits, leading to medical bills that bankrupt families and push millions into debt. The human cost is staggering, with people delaying or forgoing necessary treatments because they cannot afford them.

The Myth of Trickle-Down Economics

Another area where free-market economics has failed the American people is wealth distribution. The concept of trickle-down economics, popularized during the Reagan era, promised that reducing taxes and regulations on the wealthy would lead to investments that would benefit everyone. The theory was that as the rich got richer, their wealth would "trickle down" to the rest of society through jobs, higher wages, and economic growth.

However, decades of evidence have shown that this does not happen. Instead, the wealth generated has stayed at the top, leading to unprecedented income inequality. The wealthiest Americans have seen their fortunes grow exponentially, while wages for the middle and lower classes have stagnated. The benefits of economic growth have been concentrated in the hands of a few, with little to no "trickle down" to the rest of the population. This has resulted in a shrinking middle class, increased poverty rates, and a widening gap between the haves and the have-nots.

Privatization and the Erosion of Public Goods

The push to privatize functions traditionally managed by the government has also led to significant problems. From infrastructure education, privatization has often resulted in reduced access, lower quality, and higher costs for the public. Private companies, driven by the need to generate profits, prioritize cost-cutting measures that often lead to inferior services. For example, privatized prisons are notorious for their poor conditions and high rates of violence, all while saving money at the expense of inmate safety and rehabilitation.

Similarly, the privatization of utilities and infrastructure has increased consumer costs without corresponding improvements in service. Public goods are meant to be managed with the public's best interests in mind. When these functions are handed over to private entities, the focus shifts from serving the public to maximizing profits, leading to gross inequities in access and quality.

The Need for a Balanced Approach

The evidence is clear: dismantling government and relying solely on free-market economics has yet to work for most Americans. Instead of fostering broad-based prosperity, it has led to a concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few while leaving the rest of the population struggling to keep up. Healthcare costs are out of control, income inequality is at historic levels, and essential public services are being eroded in the name of profit.

It is time for a balanced approach that recognizes the limitations of the free market and the vital role that government must play in ensuring fairness, equity, and access to essential services. This means investing in public goods, regulating industries that have a history of exploiting consumers, and ensuring that the wealth generated by our economy is shared more equitably. Only by doing so can we address the social and economic woes exacerbated by the unbridled pursuit of profit.


Saturday, August 17, 2024


We republish our article on the origin and evolution of our sense of morality here. Religions can accidentally or intentionally repeat moral truths but cannot be relied upon to form a proper moral code. Religion often causes moral depravity, and with its reward and punishment regime based on the motivation to act only as is required to gain a particular reward and avoid certain afterlife punishment, it cannot be the source of objective right and wrong in real life on earth. Five of the 10 Commandments deal with worshiping a single god and do not purport to codify evolutionarily nurtured innate moral principles. 

The question of how we know what's right is as old as humanity itself. While some attribute our moral compass to religious teachings, a more compelling explanation lies in the evolution of human experience over thousands of years. This article explores the concept that morality is an intrinsic part of our human nature, embedded in our DNA, and essential for the survival of our species. We will also discuss the shortcomings of the religious reward and punishment system and its detrimental effects on proper moral behavior.

The Evolution of Morality

1.     Survival and Cooperation: From early human societies, cooperation and mutual support were crucial for survival. Those who acted altruistically and supported their community had a better chance of survival. Over time, these behaviors became hardwired into our psyche, creating an innate sense of right and wrong.

2.     Innate Knowledge of Right and Wrong: Humans have developed an intuitive understanding of morality through thousands of years of evolution. This moral code is, in a sense, embedded in our DNA. While some individuals may have a stronger inscription of this code than others, and some may be led astray by self-serving motives, the underlying sense of right and wrong remains.

Principles and Codes of Honor

Throughout history, societies have codified these intrinsic moral principles into various codes of honor and ethical guidelines. These codes often reflect the collective wisdom of generations, crystallizing behaviors that promote social harmony and individual well-being. However, the core of our moral understanding remains intuitive and shared across cultures and epochs.

The Fallacy of Rewards and Punishments

Religious teachings often emphasize rewards and punishments as tools for moral guidance. However, this approach is demonstrably unreliable and misdirected as a genuine contribution to morality. It creates an incentive to follow only those directions that promise a reward in the afterlife, leading to hypocrisy and a lack of genuine moral behavior.

1.     No Need for Carrots and Sticks: Humans do not require a carrot or a stick to understand and follow moral principles. Our ingrained sense of morality is sufficient to guide us, making external rewards and punishments redundant. Instead, these mechanisms often create fear and guilt, distorting our natural inclinations and leading to unhealthy behaviors.

2.     The Hypocrisy of Religious Morality: The religious reward and punishment system encourages individuals to care less about moral actions that only have real-world consequences. By focusing on an afterlife that does not exist, religious individuals may be misled away from reality and the enhancement of legitimate, real-world morality.

The Detrimental Effects of Religion

Religion, with its rigid doctrines and emphasis on an afterlife, can obstruct our inherent moral compass and lead to immoral actions. In the name of supporting an afterlife, religious individuals have committed acts such as war, torture, denial of civil rights, and other abuses.

1.     Religion as a Denial of Moral Truths: Organized religion can be a force that denies moral truths, promoting actions that harm individuals and societies. Religion detracts from our natural ability to discern and act on ethical principles by imposing arbitrary rules and fostering dependency on external validation.

2.     Immoral Acts in the Name of Religion: History is replete with examples of immoral acts committed in the name of religion. These actions, justified by the promise of rewards in an afterlife, highlight the dangers of relying on religious teachings for moral guidance. In reality, these acts often violate the innate moral code that promotes the well-being and survival of our species.


Our understanding of what's right is deeply rooted in our evolutionary history and collective human experience. Morality is not a product of religious doctrine but an intrinsic part of our nature, essential for the survival and flourishing of our species. While amoral behavior may rise, it highlights the importance of adhering to our highest moral standards. Those who honor these principles will continue to thrive and lead, while the amoral will be marginalized. Let us trust in our innate sense of right and wrong and strive to uphold the values that have guided humanity for millennia.