Tuesday, August 27, 2024


The Specific Dangers of Project 2025: How Tariffs and Deregulation Could Lead to Economic Collapse

As the 2024 election looms, it's essential to examine the specific threats posed by Project 2025, the Republican blueprint for reshaping the American government and economy. While the broad strokes of this plan are troubling, the details reveal even more significant dangers to our nation's stability and prosperity. In particular, the proposed tariffs on foreign-made goods and services, aggressive downsizing, and government deregulation could lead to catastrophic economic consequences, potentially triggering a depression.

Threatened Tariffs: A Recipe for Economic Disaster

One of the most alarming aspects of Project 2025 is the potential for new tariffs on foreign-made goods and services. These tariffs, often touted to protect American jobs and industries, could have the opposite effect, leading to widespread economic damage.

  1. Rising Costs for Businesses and Consumers: Tariffs increase the cost of imported goods, leading to higher consumer prices. Businesses that rely on foreign-made components or raw materials would face increased production costs, which could force them to raise prices or reduce their workforce to maintain profitability. This inflationary pressure would hurt consumer spending, a key driver of economic growth.
  2. Retaliatory Tariffs and Trade Wars: History has shown that tariffs often lead to retaliatory measures from other countries. If the United States imposes tariffs, other nations will likely respond in kind, leading to a trade war that could severely disrupt global supply chains. American exporters would face reduced access to international markets, harming the economy.
  3. Damage to Global Relations and Partnerships: Tariffs could strain relationships with key trading partners, leading to long-term damage to international alliances. This could reduce foreign investment in the United States and make it more difficult for American businesses to compete in global markets.
  4. Job Losses in Export-Dependent Industries: While tariffs may protect some domestic industries in the short term, they can lead to significant job losses in industries that rely on exports. As foreign markets close off to American goods, companies in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and technology could be forced to downsize or shut down operations.

Downsizing and Deregulation: A Path to Economic Depression

Another core component of Project 2025 is the aggressive downsizing and deregulation of the federal government. While proponents argue that these measures would reduce government waste and spur economic growth, the reality is far more dangerous.

  1. Collapse of Critical Infrastructure and Services: Downsizing the federal government would likely lead to dismantling essential services and infrastructure businesses and citizens rely on. Cuts to regulatory agencies, for example, could result in unsafe working conditions, environmental degradation, and financial instability, all of which could devastate the economy.
  2. Financial Instability and Market Crashes: Deregulation, particularly in the financial sector, could remove critical safeguards that prevent reckless behavior by corporations and financial institutions. Without these regulations, the economy would be more vulnerable to speculative bubbles and market crashes, similar to the 2008 financial crisis. The resulting economic turmoil could trigger a deep recession or even a depression.
  3. Widening Inequality and Social Unrest: Deregulation often benefits the wealthy at the expense of the working and middle classes. As income inequality widens, social unrest could grow, leading to increased political instability and further economic decline. A divided and unstable society is not conducive to long-term economic growth.
  4. Undermining of Consumer and Environmental Protections: Deregulation could weaken or eliminate important consumer and environmental protections. This could result in lower-quality products, higher health risks, and increased environmental damage, all of which would impose significant costs on society and the economy.

The Risks Are Real: A Call for Caution

The potential for tariffs and deregulation under Project 2025 represents a clear and present danger to the American economy. These policies, while framed as efforts to boost growth and protect American interests, could instead lead to higher prices, job losses, financial instability, and even a full-blown depression.

Businesses and policymakers must take these risks seriously. Rather than blindly embracing these proposals, they must consider the long-term consequences and advocate for policies that promote sustainable economic growth, protect workers and consumers, and maintain America's position in the global economy.


Project 2025's proposed tariffs and deregulation threaten to dismantle the very foundations of America's economic success. By raising costs, provoking trade wars, and undermining critical protections, these policies could lead to economic disaster on a scale not seen since the Great Depression. As the election approaches, it is crucial for business leaders, policymakers, and voters to understand the specific dangers of Project 2025 and to advocate for a more responsible approach to governance and economic policy.

William James Spriggs 

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