Friday, August 16, 2024


Christian Nationalism: A Threat to Humanity's Evolved Moral Code

Christian nationalism is a political ideology that merges Christian identity with national identity. It promotes the belief that a country, particularly the United States, should be defined by and governed according to a specific interpretation of Christian values. This ideology is not merely about religious belief; it seeks to enforce a narrow, exclusionary vision of society where the laws and government reflect a particular religious doctrine.

At its core, Christian nationalism is about power and control. Its believers aim to establish a theocratic state where religious leaders or interpretations of religious texts dictate public policy, law, and social norms. This ambition is often shrouded in secrecy, masked by a veneer of patriotism and righteousness, but beneath the surface lies a dangerous and divisive dogma.

The Immorality of Christian Nationalism

Christian nationalism is immoral because it seeks to impose a singular, parochial code upon a diverse and pluralistic society. This code is often at odds with the evolved moral sense shared by most humanity. This sense recognizes the value of inclusivity, compassion, and the intrinsic worth of all individuals, regardless of their religious beliefs or lack thereof.

  1. Exclusion and Discrimination: Christian nationalism promotes an exclusive vision of society, one where only those who adhere to its specific interpretation of Christianity are fully accepted as legitimate members of the nation. This exclusionary stance inherently discriminates against people of other faiths, secular individuals, and even Christians who do not subscribe to the nationalist ideology. Such discrimination directly violates the principles of equality and human dignity recognized as fundamental to a just society.
  2. Hypocrisy and Secrecy: The secrecy and hypocrisy surrounding Christian nationalism are telltale signs of its moral bankruptcy. While proponents often speak of "religious freedom," what they truly seek is freedom only for their religious views, with little regard for the freedoms of others. This hypocrisy undermines the trust and cohesion necessary for a healthy society, leading to division and conflict rather than unity and understanding.
  3. Undermining Democratic Principles: Christian nationalism poses a grave threat to democracy itself. By blending religious doctrine with state power, it seeks to undermine the secular foundations of the law and governance that protect the rights of all citizens. This erosion of democratic principles in favor of a theocratic vision is not only immoral but also dangerous, as it opens the door to authoritarianism and the suppression of dissent.

Offending Humanity’s Evolved Moral Code

Humanity’s evolved moral code is built on empathy, cooperation, and recognizing the shared humanity that binds us all together. This ethical code is the product of centuries of social and cultural evolution, reflecting the understanding that we are stronger and better when we embrace our differences and work together for the common good.

Christian nationalism, by contrast, seeks to impose a rigid, parochial code that offends this evolved sense of morality. It disregards the rich tapestry of human experience and the diverse beliefs that make up our world, instead favoring a narrow, dogmatic view that elevates one group above all others.

This dogma is offensive not just because it is exclusionary but because it attempts to override the moral progress that humanity has made. It seeks to drag society backward into an era where the state enforced religious conformity and where those who did not conform were marginalized, persecuted, or worse.


Christian nationalism is a dangerous and immoral ideology that seeks to impose a narrow, exclusionary vision of society that is fundamentally at odds with the evolved moral code shared by the majority of humanity. Its secrecy, hypocrisy, and ambition to merge church and state make it a threat to democracy and to the values of inclusivity, equality, and compassion that form the bedrock of a just society.

We must recognize and challenge Christian nationalism for what it is—a divisive and regressive force that offends the very essence of our shared humanity. Only by standing against it can we continue to build a society that honors the dignity and worth of all people, regardless of their faith or beliefs.

William James Spri

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