Friday, August 16, 2024


Shame on Us

We are a proud people, once celebrated for our values of integrity, honor, honesty, truthfulness, empathy, generosity, and intelligence. Shame on us. Over the last 50 years—with a disturbing acceleration in the last six years—we have devolved into virtueless sycophants, bowing to a man of gross immorality and utter depravity.

Where once we stood tall, guided by a moral compass that aligned with the highest ideals of humanity, we now find ourselves adrift in a sea of lies, corruption, and selfishness. The virtues that once defined us have been sacrificed on the altar of power and greed. Shame on us for allowing our integrity to be compromised, trading honor for expediency, and letting the truth be buried under the weight of falsehoods.

Empathy has given way to indifference, generosity, selfishness, and intelligence to willful ignorance. We have become a people who value loyalty to a corrupt individual over loyalty to the principles that once made us great. Shame on us for allowing ourselves to be seduced by the empty promises of a man who has no regard for the values we once held dear--by false prophets for profit, mansions, and private jets.

In our pursuit of short-term gains, we have lost sight of the long-term consequences of our actions. We have allowed ourselves to be divided by fear and hatred, manipulated by those who seek to control us through deceit and manipulation. Shame on us for forgetting that our strength lies in our unity, commitment to the common good, and unwavering dedication to the truth.

It is time to reclaim our values, stand up for what is right, and reject the moral decay that has taken hold of our society. We must remember who we are and what we stand for and have the courage to say, "No more." No more lies, corruption, or degradation of our collective character.

Shame on us for letting it come to this, but let it also be the turning point where we choose to rise again to restore the virtues that once made us proud and noble people.


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