Friday, September 27, 2024


Understanding Why a Plurality or Majority of Adults Would Choose Donald Trump as Their Leader

Many of us find it difficult to grasp how Donald Trump, a man with a history of lying, narcissism, and disregard for democratic principles, could capture the support of such a significant portion of the American populace. Yet his rise and continued popularity reveal more profound truths about human behavior, societal divides, and American politics.

At its core, Trump's appeal taps into several psychological and cultural factors that resonate with various demographics, many of which feel disillusioned, angry, or left behind by the political system.

1. Disillusionment with Establishment Politics

For years, Americans have watched as political promises went unfulfilled. The middle class has shrunk, wealth inequality has skyrocketed, and traditional politicians have often seemed out of touch with the struggles of everyday people. This widespread disillusionment created fertile ground for a candidate like Trump, who presented himself as an outsider willing to take on the "swamp" of Washington. His brash style and disregard for political norms became appealing precisely because it differed from the typical polished yet ineffective rhetoric many had grown tired of hearing.

2. The Cultivation of Fear and Anger

Trump’s success is, in part, built on fear. Throughout his campaigns, he has skillfully tapped into and amplified anxieties about immigration, crime, and economic displacement. By framing complex problems as direct threats to individual safety and identity, he has fostered a sense of urgency and danger among his supporters. People who feel economically, socially, or culturally vulnerable are more likely to support a figure who promises to protect them from these perceived threats, regardless of the facts. Trump’s appeal thrives in a climate of fear, where his supporters believe he alone can safeguard them.

3. The Power of Charisma and Populism

Populism has a long history of influencing democratic societies, and Trump fits the mold of a classic populist leader. He speaks directly to the people in a way that resonates with their frustrations. His rallies are less about policy and more about connection—he is an entertainer, a larger-than-life figure who seems to embody strength and defiance. Charisma often matters more than competence in leadership selection, and Trump, with his bombastic style, projects the image of a strong, decisive leader.

For many, his lack of adherence to established norms is not a flaw but a feature. His disregard for convention is refreshing and honest in a world where many feel their voices are silenced. This is especially true for those who feel left out by the political elite or dismissed by the "educated class." His simple, repetitive slogans cut through the noise and stick with voters in ways nuanced arguments from traditional politicians fail to do.

4. Economic Desperation and False Promises

Despite his wealth, Trump has successfully portrayed himself as a champion of the working class. He speaks to economic anxieties, particularly among white working-class voters, promising to restore lost jobs, revitalize industries, and punish foreign powers like China. Even though many of his policies have failed to deliver meaningful benefits for the average worker, the narrative he spins—that he is fighting for them against an untrustworthy elite—continues to resonate. His wealth does not alienate him from these voters; instead, it reinforces his persona as someone who knows how to succeed in the world and can bring that success to them.

5. The Appeal of Authoritarianism

Authoritarianism is not merely a top-down imposition; it requires the active consent of a significant portion of the population. Many of Trump's supporters are drawn to his promises of law and order, decisive action, and willingness to flout traditional checks on presidential power. This appeal to authoritarianism stems from a desire for stability in times of uncertainty. When the world feels chaotic and the future uncertain, many people gravitate toward a strong figure who promises to take control, even if it means undermining democratic norms.

Additionally, Trump has exploited divisions within American society—racial, cultural, and ideological—to create an “us versus them” dynamic. His supporters often see him as their champion in a cultural war against progressive forces that they believe threaten their values and way of life.

6. Media Manipulation and the Echo Chamber Effect

Trump has masterfully used both traditional media and social media to create a narrative in which he is constantly under attack by enemies of the people—the media, political opponents, and the so-called “deep state.” This creates a closed loop of information for his followers, where they are less likely to engage with critical perspectives and more likely to double down on their support when he is criticized. The echo chambers created by cable news networks like Fox News and the rise of far-right online platforms have contributed to a worldview where Trump is the only trustworthy source of truth.

7. Lack of Political Education and Misinformation

A significant part of Trump’s success can be attributed to a lack of comprehensive political education and the rise of misinformation. For many, politics is a foreign and complex concept, often seen as corrupt and irrelevant to their daily lives. Trump simplifies this complexity, reducing policy issues to easy-to-digest, emotionally charged slogans. This, coupled with the widespread dissemination of misinformation through social media, creates a reality where facts are malleable, and emotional resonance matters more than truth.

8. Identity Politics and Group Loyalty

Finally, identity politics plays a major role in the Trump phenomenon. Many of his supporters are driven by a sense of group identity—racial, national, or ideological. Trump appeals to a segment of the population that feels their identity is under threat. By embracing these groups, he reinforces their sense of belonging and loyalty. In this framework, supporting Trump becomes about policy and defending one’s identity and place.

Conclusion: A Mirror of Society’s Divisions

Trump's rise and continued appeal expose the deep divisions in American society. His supporters are not a monolith; they include people motivated by economic anxiety, cultural fears, identity politics, and a desire for authoritarian control. Understanding why a plurality, and sometimes a majority, of adults would choose Trump requires acknowledging these complex forces.

Rather than dismissing these voters as ignorant or misguided, it is crucial to recognize the underlying grievances and societal changes that drive their support. Only by addressing these root causes—economic inequality, cultural displacement, political disillusionment, and media manipulation—can we begin to heal the divisions that have allowed someone like Trump to ascend to such heights of power.

William James Spriggs


Thursday, September 26, 2024


Planning for a Distinctly Possible Civil War: Democracy Is at Stake

In the current state of American politics, there is a troubling possibility that our nation may descend into civil conflict. With the extreme polarization gripping our society, threats to democracy have grown more palpable than ever before. The rise of authoritarianism, the disregard for the rule of law, and the erosion of democratic norms all paint a picture that should concern every citizen who values freedom and justice.

Why Democracy Is Under Threat

The very fabric of our democracy is fraying. A significant portion of the population has called into question the legitimacy of elections, with misinformation and lies fueling unrest. This dangerous rhetoric is eroding trust in the system and laying the groundwork for a potential violent uprising. When political figures encourage the undermining of democratic institutions and embolden fringe movements, we are walking down a path that could lead to chaos.

The possibility of civil conflict is no longer a distant theory. It’s a distinctly possible reality that requires preparation and decisive action from our leaders.

Biden's Role: Upholding the High Ground

President Biden has a unique and critical responsibility in these times of uncertainty. The situation calls for more than just political maneuvering or rhetoric; it calls for maintaining the moral high ground. He must lead with calm resolve, standing firmly for democratic principles while ensuring that the rights and freedoms of all Americans are protected. His leadership must reassure the nation that the rule of law will prevail, even in the face of potential insurrection.

However, Biden must also be prepared for extreme measures should the situation devolve into outright rebellion. As much as we hope it will not come to this, planning for the possibility of civil unrest or even a civil war is necessary to safeguard the future of our democracy.

Martial Law: A Last Resort, But a Necessary One

If civil war does indeed threaten the United States, the President may have no choice but to invoke martial law. This would not be an easy or light decision, but it could be essential to maintaining order and preventing the complete breakdown of society.

Martial law would allow the government to take control of essential systems and maintain public safety during a national crisis. In American history, this tool has always been used as a last resort when all other options have been exhausted.

The Consequences of Inaction

Failing to prepare for the worst-case scenario would be a grave mistake. The possibility of civil war must be acknowledged and confronted head-on. Ignoring the signs, hoping that cooler heads will prevail, is no longer a viable strategy. The threat of civil war, spurred on by growing divisions, must be taken seriously.

If President Biden and his administration fail to act decisively, the very soul of our democracy could be lost. The violence and instability that would follow a civil conflict would destroy the institutions that have held our nation together for centuries.

Holding the High Ground Is Crucial

While preparing for the worst, Biden must remain steadfast in upholding morality, law, and justice. His actions must reflect the values of democracy many Americans hold dear. He must clearly communicate that any measures taken are for preserving the republic, not consolidating power. Clearly communicate that measures are taken to protect the republic, not personal gain.

America must never lose sight of its democratic principles, even when facing the threat of civil unrest. The country was built on the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves a voice in its governance. These ideals are worth fighting for, protecting, and, if necessary, invoking martial law to defend.


The threat of civil war is not one to be taken lightly. Democracy itself is hanging in the balance, and the President must prepare for the possibility that extreme measures may be needed. While we hope for peace and stability, we must also plan for the worst, ensuring that America’s democratic institutions endure even the most significant challenges. If civil conflict becomes inevitable, President Biden must lead with resolve, hold the high ground, and act decisively to save our democracy.

William James Spriggs


Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Conservatism has no place in the modern world. In whatever form, it causes wars, abandonment of science in favor of superstition, self-aggrandizement instead of empathy, inequality instead of diversity, lore instead of law, oligarchy instead of democracy, and dogma instead of critical thinking, to name a few.

Conservatism, particularly in its modern political form, has become a platform vulnerable to exploitation by those in positions of power. By capitalizing on the fears and insecurities inherent in the conservative mindset, power brokers have found an easy avenue to manipulate public opinion and maintain control. While many conservatives champion tradition and resist change, this very resistance can become a weakness—a tendency that fosters division and stifles progress.

At the heart of conservatism lies a deep-seated fear of the unknown. Change, for the conservative, is unsettling because it challenges the status quo and forces a re-evaluation of long-held beliefs. This fear manifests in various forms—economic, cultural, and social. Economic conservatism clings to systems perpetuating inequality, allowing the rich to prosper while leaving the rest behind. Social conservatism mainly breeds an environment where racial and ethnic disparities thrive. It is not an accident that many conservative circles harbor racist sentiments; fear of losing social and cultural dominance often fuels such prejudice.

Racism and other forms of bigotry become tools for conservatism's power brokers, exploiting division to solidify their control. By keeping the public preoccupied with superficial differences and pitting groups against one another, those in power avoid addressing the systemic inequalities that secure their positions. For conservatives, this appeal to fear creates a false sense of superiority, a way to mask insecurities. In the absence of meaningful change, they are content to feel powerful in comparison to the marginalized, whom they see as threats to their way of life.

The political conservatism we see today is a movement rooted not in virtue but in self-aggrandizement. Conservatives often reject compromise, adopting a bull-headed approach to policy and governance. They quickly resist any initiative that promises equity or social improvement, viewing these efforts as encroachments on their privileges. This inflexibility manifests as an almost childlike obstinance, where any deviation from their rigid ideology is seen as an existential threat.

A hallmark of this intransigence is an unwillingness to consider alternative viewpoints. Conservatives often lack the curiosity or empathy to explore different ways of living or governing, which makes them easy targets for manipulation. The lack of self-reflection within their ranks allows power brokers to weaponize their fears and keep them locked into a cycle of opposition and division. In turn, this fosters a culture of bullying, where those who challenge conservative ideals are met with hostility and contempt. The need to assert dominance compensates for their deeper sense of insecurity and inadequacy, revealing the fragility behind their bluster.

The inherent danger in this unyielding stance is the undermining of democracy itself. For a functioning democracy to thrive, compromise is essential. Yet, conservatives increasingly reject the notion of compromise, seeking instead to impose their will without regard for the collective good. This approach threatens the foundations of a pluralistic society, where differing perspectives must coexist to ensure stability and progress.

In conclusion, conservatism, far from being a bastion of virtue, has become a vehicle for those who fear change, harbor racial and social resentments, and are manipulated by power-hungry elites. Rather than engaging in thoughtful discourse or embracing the potential of societal progress, conservatism often retreats into narrow-mindedness and aggression, compensating for its deeper insecurities. Without compromise, empathy, or self-reflection, the conservative movement opposes the principles that allow societies to evolve and thrive.

William James Spriggs


Friday, September 20, 2024


Here are some of the most famous and profound quotations attributed to Socrates:

  1. "The unexamined life is not worth living."
    • This is perhaps the most famous quote by Socrates, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection and philosophical inquiry.
  2. "I know that I know nothing."
    • This statement reflects Socrates’ wisdom philosophy, where true wisdom comes from acknowledging ignorance.
  3. "There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance."
    • Socrates believed that knowledge leads to virtue and ignorance is the root of wrongdoing.
  4. "To find yourself, think for yourself."
    • Encouraging individuals to seek personal wisdom and avoid blindly following others.
  5. "Be as you wish to seem."
    • Socrates emphasized the importance of aligning one’s actions with values and ideals.
  6. "An honest man is always a child."
    • This quote highlights the value of innocence and honesty in human behavior.
  7. "Wisdom begins in wonder."
    • Socrates believed that curiosity and wonder are the starting points of true knowledge.
  8. "He who is not contented with what he has would not be contented with what he would like to have."
    • This speaks to contentment and the futility of endless desires.
  9. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."
    • A reaffirmation of the Socratic paradox about the limits of human knowledge.
  10. "Know thyself."
    • A timeless reminder of self-awareness and understanding one's own nature, often attributed to Socrates.

These quotes capture the essence of Socratic thought, mainly his focus on ethics, knowledge, and self-inquiry.


Thursday, September 19, 2024


                                        "Being comfortable in your own skin"

The Secret of Happiness: Living Up to Your Innate Moral Code

Happiness is often considered elusive, a state of being that people tirelessly pursue but rarely attain. The world presents countless solutions: wealth, fame, pleasure, and material success. Yet, many who achieve these things remain profoundly unhappy. The secret to happiness lies not in external rewards but in the deep alignment between your actions, thoughts, and an internal sense of right and wrong—your innate moral code.

The Source of Unhappiness: Violating Your Moral Code

Human beings are equipped with an internal compass that has evolved over millennia and guides our sense of morality. This compass is embedded within us, forming a personal standard for right and wrong. When we act against this code, whether through dishonesty, selfishness, or even harboring immoral thoughts, we disrupt our internal balance, and this disruption leads to unhappiness.

Unhappiness is not simply caused by external circumstances or a lack of success. Instead, it stems from the dissonance between who we know we should be and who we choose to be. This internal conflict creates a sense of guilt, unease, and dissatisfaction, regardless of outward appearance.

Consider the individual who cheats to get ahead. Outwardly, they may seem successful, but internally they experience discomfort, even if only subconsciously. They know their actions violated a fundamental principle, causing inner turmoil. Their unhappiness is self-inflicted, not because of external judgment, but because they have betrayed their moral code.

Understanding Your Moral Code

We are all equipped with this innate sense of right and wrong, which is informed by our evolutionary development and societal influences. While cultures may vary, certain moral principles—such as fairness, empathy, and honesty—are universal. Over time, individuals develop their nuanced moral codes, reflecting nature and nurture.

However, modern society often pulls us away from this code, tempting us with promises of immediate gratification or success at the expense of our integrity. It becomes easier to silence the voice of morality, especially when society rewards behaviors that violate our inner code.

The Path to Happiness: Living in Alignment with Your Code

The key to true happiness is aligning your life with your moral compass. This is not about perfection but about making conscious efforts to live in a way that reflects your sense of right and wrong. When your actions and thoughts are in harmony with your internal values, you experience peace of mind, self-respect, and happiness.

Living by your moral code requires regular self-reflection. You must evaluate your thoughts, behaviors, and intentions, asking yourself whether they align with what you believe is right. When you fail to meet your standards, the solution is not to self-punish but to correct course. Recognizing where you've gone astray and making amends can restore that balance.

William James Spriggs

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Treason Explained

Treason is one of the gravest crimes a person can commit against their country. It is generally defined as betraying one’s nation by aiding its enemies, attempting to overthrow the government, or engaging in actions that harm national security. The U.S. Constitution explicitly defines treason in Article III, Section 3, as "levying war against [the United States], or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

Treason is considered severe because it strikes at the foundation of a nation’s stability and governance, threatening the rule of law and public trust. While the definition may vary slightly from country to country, the essence of the crime remains the same: betrayal.

Examples of Treason in History

  1. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (U.S., 1950s): The Rosenbergs were convicted of espionage during the Cold War for passing atomic secrets to the Soviet Union. Though technically charged with espionage rather than treason, their actions are often cited as an act of betrayal against the United States during a time of intense rivalry with the USSR.
  2. Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot (England, 1605): Fawkes and his co-conspirators plotted to blow up the English Parliament and assassinate King James I. Their aim was to restore Catholic leadership in England, and their failed plot led to severe punishment for all involved. Fawkes’s act is still remembered on Guy Fawkes Day each November 5th.
  3. Vidkun Quisling (Norway, 1940s): Quisling was a Norwegian politician who collaborated with Nazi Germany during its occupation of Norway in World War II. His name has since become synonymous with treason and collaboration, particularly in the context of aiding an occupying enemy.
  4. Benedict Arnold (U.S., Revolutionary War): One of the most infamous cases of treason in American history, Benedict Arnold was a general in the Continental Army who defected to the British side during the American Revolution. His plan to hand over West Point to the British was uncovered, and Arnold’s name has since become a symbol of treachery in American culture.

MAGA's Subversive Movement—A Pass for Fascism?

Throughout history, when a nation faced internal threats to its democratic institutions or external dangers, it acted decisively to protect its sovereignty. This principle holds true when confronting enemies from both ends of the ideological spectrum. During the Cold War, for example, America mobilized all its resources against communism, seeing the spread of Marxist-Leninist ideology as an existential threat to freedom. Yet, paradoxically, today, we find ourselves confronting an equally dangerous movement—fascism—that seeks to erode our democratic institutions, and we hesitate to treat it with the same urgency.

The MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement has embraced authoritarianism and a cult of personality in the service of one man. By denying election results, demonizing political opponents, and calling for extreme measures to "take back the country," MAGA advocates have positioned themselves against the core tenets of democracy. Though not all supporters of the movement are conscious participants in this agenda, many have followed its leadership blindly, failing to recognize that they are backing an ideology that would dismantle the very freedoms America was founded upon.

Imagine, for a moment, if this were a communist movement. The national response would be swift and decisive. A movement openly advocating for the abolition of capitalism and the implementation of a one-party state would be labeled treasonous, and the government would act immediately to quash any threat. Communism, long recognized as an enemy to democracy, would provoke a massive counter-effort in defense of liberty.

So why, then, do we treat MAGA’s fascist leanings with such leniency? The answer, perhaps, lies in the American tendency to view fascism as a problem of "the other." Fascism, with its ties to authoritarian figures like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, has been historically associated with Europe. It doesn’t feel like an American problem—at least not yet.

The reality, however, is stark. The MAGA movement’s rhetoric of violence, its glorification of autocratic power, and its blatant disregard for democratic norms echo the rise of fascist regimes from history. If a foreign power aligned with fascism were to seek control over our political system, Americans would fight. We fought World War II to defeat fascism, seeing it as incompatible with our values of freedom and justice.

Yet when the threat emerges from within, cloaked in the language of patriotism, nationalism, and promises to "restore greatness," many Americans falter. We give it a pass. We look the other way as civil servants are threatened, free speech is attacked, and a deluge of misinformation poisons the public discourse. We seem to believe that fascism, born on our soil, cannot destroy us in the way that communism might.

But make no mistake—this is a fascist movement, and it must be fought with the same vigor as we fought communism. MAGA leaders seek to dismantle the foundations of American democracy, from the peaceful transition of power to the independence of the judiciary. They aim to install loyalists in critical positions, eliminate checks and balances, and consolidate power under a single leader.

If we continue to give fascism a pass because it wears an American face, we risk losing the republic we cherish. History is rife with examples of democratic governments falling to authoritarianism, not from external enemies, but from within.

In fighting the MAGA movement, we must not only resist its fascist tendencies but also awaken to the reality that protecting democracy requires eternal vigilance. To delay is to invite destruction. Whether the threat is red or brown, communist or fascist, the response must be the same: We fight to preserve our freedom.

We must remember that treason is not always overt or foreign in America. Sometimes, it wears the flag and shouts about patriotism. Yet its betrayal is the same, and the consequences could be equally catastrophic.

William James Spriggs

Tuesday, September 17, 2024



Monday, September 16, 2024


Throughout history, the quest for meaning has driven human existence. Philosophers, theologians, scientists, and everyday people have all grappled with the question: What is the purpose of life? While countless answers have been proposed, one stands out for its simplicity and profound impact: the purpose of life is to discover truths, ensure their validity, and pass them on to others. This journey of enlightenment, mentorship, and legacy is the highest calling one can achieve.

The Journey of Discovery

Our existence is marked by innate curiosity and a relentless pursuit of understanding. From early childhood, we are driven to explore, question, and learn. This drive is not merely a thirst for knowledge but a deeper search for truths that resonate with our core being. Discovering a truth—whether it is a scientific principle, a philosophical insight, or a personal revelation—can be transformative. It shapes how we see the world, ourselves, and our place.

However, the discovery of truth is not a passive act. It requires diligence, skepticism, and a commitment to authenticity. In an age of rampant misinformation, the challenge is not just to find answers but to ensure they are genuine. A truth worth discovering withstands scrutiny, aligns with reality and contributes to the betterment of oneself and others.

Ensuring Its Validity

In a world flooded with half-truths and opinions masquerading as facts, the responsibility to ensure the validity of our discoveries has never been greater. Proper understanding demands that we question our assumptions, test our beliefs, and remain open to correction. This validation process is not solitary; it involves engaging with others, seeking diverse perspectives, and embracing the humility to admit when we are wrong.

With its rigorous standards and peer review, the scientific method serves as a model for this pursuit. But beyond science, the commitment to truth applies to all aspects of life. Whether in relationships, work, or personal growth, the dedication to authentic understanding should guide our actions and decisions. Only when we know the truth can we responsibly pass it on to others.

The Role of the Mentor

Discovering and validating truths is only part of the journey. The actual fulfillment of purpose comes when we share these insights with others. Teaching is an act of generosity and an acknowledgment that wisdom is not meant to be hoarded but disseminated. Finding a pupil—someone willing to learn and grow—creates a powerful bond that transcends time.

Mentorship is not confined to formal settings like classrooms or lecture halls. It happens in conversations, in moments of guidance, and in the simple act of leading by example. The impact of passing on a truth can ripple through generations, influencing lives in ways we may never fully comprehend. In teaching, we do not just transfer knowledge; we impart a legacy.

The Legacy of Truth

Life's highest calling is not to accumulate wealth, power, or fleeting pleasures but to contribute to the continuum of human understanding. By discovering truths, validating them, and teaching others, we ensure our lives have a lasting impact. This process gives our existence a sense of purpose and connects us to a broader human narrative that values wisdom, integrity, and the pursuit of understanding.

This approach offers a clear and noble path in a world where so many are lost in the search for meaning. It reminds us that our value is not measured by external achievements but by our commitment to truth and willingness to share it with others. Above all, this is the legacy worth striving for.


William James Spriggs


Sunday, September 15, 2024


The Executive Authority to Enforce Constitutional Amendments: Why Biden Can Declare Trump Ineligible

The United States Constitution, with its amendments, serves as the supreme law of the land, guiding the functioning of our democracy and enforcing laws by the Executive Branch. Recently, debates have arisen regarding Donald Trump's eligibility to run for office, specifically under the disqualification clause of the 14th Amendment, Section 3. Critics argue that only Congress can act, pointing to the Supreme Court's opinion in the Colorado case. However, this perspective overlooks the fundamental role of the Executive Branch in enforcing constitutional amendments, including the 14th Amendment, as a matter of settled precedent.

The Role of the Executive Branch in Enforcing Constitutional Amendments

Under Article II, Section 3, the Constitution mandates the Executive Branch to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed." This directive extends to all laws, including Constitutional amendments. When an amendment is ratified, it becomes part of the Constitution and is thus a law that the Executive Branch must enforce.

For example, historical enforcement of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause by the Executive Branch is well documented. In landmark cases such as Brown v. Board of Education (1954), which ruled racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional, it was the Executive's duty, often through federal orders and actions, to enforce desegregation against resistant states. This precedent establishes that the Executive Branch can and does enforce Constitutional amendments without requiring new legislation from Congress.

The Supreme Court’s Role and the Misinterpretation of the Colorado Case

Recent discussions around the Colorado case have suggested that only Congress can determine a candidate's eligibility under the disqualification clause of the 14th Amendment. This interpretation, however, misreads the broader principles established by precedent regarding the enforcement of Constitutional amendments. While the Supreme Court plays a crucial role in interpreting the Constitution, the Executive Branch enforces these interpretations as law.

For instance, in Cooper v. Aaron (1958), the Supreme Court made it clear that the Constitution and its amendments are binding on all branches of government, including the Executive branch. The Court stated that the Supreme Court's interpretations of the Constitution are the "supreme Law of the Land," and therefore, the Executive Branch is not only empowered but required to enforce these laws.

The Executive’s Enforcement of the 14th Amendment

The argument that President Biden would be overstepping his bounds by declaring Trump ineligible under the 14th Amendment ignores the Executive Branch's routine enforcement of this amendment. The 14th Amendment, particularly its equal protection and disqualification clauses, has been actively enforced through executive actions. For example, federal agencies and executive orders have been used to combat discrimination and uphold civil rights as mandated by the 14th Amendment.

The enforcement of the 14th Amendment is not dependent on Congressional action alone. It is within the President's authority to ensure that no individual who has engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States or given aid and comfort to its enemies holds office—a provision explicitly stated in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

Precedent and Stare Decisis

The principle of stare decisis, which dictates that courts should follow precedent, further supports enforcing the 14th Amendment by the Executive Branch. Precedent shows that once a constitutional provision is interpreted, it becomes binding on all branches of government, including the Executive. Cases such as Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer (1952) affirm the Executive's duty to execute the laws of the Constitution as interpreted by the judiciary.


The notion that President Biden would act illegally by declaring Donald Trump ineligible to run for office under the 14th Amendment is fundamentally flawed. The Constitution and its amendments are the supreme law of the land, and the Executive Branch has a clear mandate to enforce them. Precedent supports the authority of the Executive Branch to act on the 14th Amendment without waiting for Congressional action. As history has shown, the Executive has the power—and the duty—to uphold the Constitution and protect the integrity of our democracy.

If Biden declared Trump ineligible based on the explicit stipulations of the 14th Amendment, it would not be an act of overreach but rather a legitimate exercise of the Executive’s constitutional authority. As citizens and stewards of democracy, we must understand and support the mechanisms safeguarding our nation’s principles, including enforcing all constitutional provisions by the Executive Branch.

William James Spriggs





    • Example: Trump has repeatedly made false statements about the results of the 2020 presidential election, claiming widespread voter fraud without evidence. His persistent lies about the integrity of the election culminated in the January 6th insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, demonstrating the dangerous consequences of his deceitful rhetoric.
  • Narcissist:

    • Example: Trump's narcissism is evident in his constant need for public praise and validation. Despite clear evidence to the contrary, he often boasts about his perceived successes, such as the size of his inauguration crowd or his supposed achievements. His actions are frequently driven by self-interest rather than the public good, as seen in his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, where he downplayed the severity of the virus to protect his image.
  • Radical Beyond the Pale:

    • Example: Trump’s radical stance includes his declaration that he would dismantle long-standing democratic norms, such as proposing to eliminate the Department of Education and his plans to defund federal agencies that do not align with his views. His promise to return as a dictator if re-elected is a stark example of his departure from democratic principles.
  • Threat to American Democracy:

    • Example: Trump's endorsement of the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 outlines a plan to significantly reduce the size and influence of the federal government, replace civil servants with loyalists, and dismantle regulations that protect public interests. This proposal directly threatens the checks and balances foundational to American democracy.
  • Dictator:

    • Example: Trump has openly admired and expressed a desire to emulate autocratic leaders like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un. His praise for these leaders, combined with his disregard for constitutional limits on executive power, suggests a desire to wield unchecked authority.
  • Incompetent:

    • Example: Despite his promises to "drain the swamp" and improve the lives of everyday Americans, Trump's policies largely favored the wealthy and powerful. For example, his signature tax cuts disproportionately benefited corporations and the wealthy, doing little to help average citizens.
  • Self-Serving:

    • Example: Trump frequently uses his platform and influence to benefit his businesses and personal interests. The Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., became a hub for foreign dignitaries and lobbyists, raising ethical concerns about conflicts of interest and the misuse of the presidency for personal gain.
  • Morally and Ethically Wrong:

    • Example: Trump’s handling of sensitive situations often lacks moral and ethical consideration. His response to the racial violence in Charlottesville, where he claimed there were "very fine people on both sides," was widely condemned as morally ambiguous and damaging, failing to clearly denounce white supremacists.
  • Manipulator of Ignorance:

    • Example: Trump has consistently exploited misinformation and conspiracy theories to rally his base, such as promoting the false claim that Barack Obama was not born in the United States. This manipulation taps into and perpetuates ignorance, dividing the public and undermining trust in factual information.
  • Immoral Leader:

    • Example: Trump’s association with Christian nationalism and his use of religious rhetoric often appear opportunistic rather than sincere. His actions, such as the controversial clearing of peaceful protesters for a photo op with a Bible in front of St. John’s Church, suggest a cynical use of religion to bolster his image rather than genuine moral leadership.
  • Divider:

    • Example: Trump's rhetoric often seeks to divide rather than unite. He has frequently attacked political opponents, media outlets, and even members of his own party, fostering an atmosphere of hostility. His use of derogatory nicknames and inflammatory language exacerbates divisions within the country.
  • Betrayer of Public Service:

    • Example: Trump’s approach to governance often appears to prioritize his own interests and those of his closest allies over the needs of the public. His administration was marked by a high turnover rate and numerous allegations of corruption, such as the misuse of campaign funds and the firing of inspectors general who were investigating misconduct.
  • Autocrat:

    • Example: Trump has consistently challenged the independence of the judiciary, the press, and other pillars of democracy. He has suggested that the presidency grants him unchecked power, famously claiming, "I have an Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president," reflecting a fundamental misunderstanding or disregard for democratic constraints.
  • Failure in Leadership:

    • Example: Trump’s leadership during critical moments, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, was marked by misinformation, a lack of coherent strategy, and an emphasis on shifting blame. His inconsistent messaging and reluctance to follow scientific guidance contributed to a delayed and ineffective response that cost lives.
  • Wealth-Oriented:

    • Example: Trump’s policies, such as his tax reform, prioritized the interests of the wealthy. His personal brand as a businessman often overshadowed his role as a public servant, with much of his policy agenda reflecting the interests of the affluent rather than the needs of the broader population.

    The Enforcement of Constitutional Amendments by the Executive Branch and the Role of Stare Decisis


    Whether all Constitutional amendments are laws that the Executive Branch of the United States is obligated to enforce, and whether the principle of stare decisis supports the proposition that the Executive Branch has implemented all amendments as a matter of precedent.

    Short Answer:

    Yes, all Constitutional amendments are part of the supreme law of the United States and are enforced by the Executive Branch. The principle of stare decisis supports this enforcement, as historically, amendments have been implemented through executive action, guided by judicial interpretations that reinforce their applicability as law.


    1. Constitutional Amendments as Law:

    Once ratified, constitutional amendments become an integral part of the Constitution. Article VI, Clause 2, of the U.S. Constitution, known as the Supremacy Clause, states that the Constitution, including its amendments, is the "supreme Law of the Land." This clause mandates that all branches of government, including the Executive branch, are bound by the Constitution and its amendments.

    The Supreme Court has consistently recognized that amendments are laws that carry the same authority as the original text of the Constitution. For instance, in Dillon v. Gloss, 256 U.S. 368 (1921), the Court stated, "A constitutional part of the Constitution and hence a part of the supreme law of the land." This unequivocally confirms that amendments hold the same enforceable power as any other constitutional provision.

    1. The Role of the Executive Branch in Enforcing Constitutional Amendments:

    Under Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution, the Executive Branch has the duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed." This duty encompasses not only federal statutes but also Constitutional amendments. Historical precedent shows that the Executive Branch has implemented amendments, such as the enforcement of the 13th Amendment (abolishing slavery) through presidential proclamations and executive orders and the enforcement of civil rights provisions under the 14th and 15th Amendments.

    For example, in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1952), the court addressed executive power and affirmed the President's duty to execute laws, including constitutional mandates. Although the case limited executive power when it overstepped legislative authority, it reaffirmed that the Executive must enforce the law as established by the Constitution, including its amendments.

    1. Stare Decisis and the Enforcement of Amendments:

    Stare decisis, the doctrine that courts should follow precedent, supports the executive branch's consistent enforcement of Constitutional amendments. The Supreme Court has repeatedly upheld the principle that once a constitutional issue has been decided, it is binding on all subsequent cases involving the same issue.

    In Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803), Chief Justice John Marshall established the precedent of judicial review, confirming that the Constitution, including its amendments, is a binding law. This precedent has been followed in numerous cases where the Court has interpreted amendments as enforceable laws, such as Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954), where the Court's decision to enforce the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause led to executive actions to desegregate schools.

    Additionally, in Katzenbach v. Morgan, 384 U.S. 641 (1966), the Supreme Court upheld the enforcement of the Voting Rights Act, which was based on the 14th and 15th Amendments. The court stated that Congress and the Executive have the authority to enforce constitutional provisions, thus reinforcing the precedent that the Executive must enforce amendments as law.

    1. Case Law Supporting Executive Enforcement:
      • U.S. v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683 (1974): The Court held that the President is not above the law and must comply with judicial processes, reinforcing that the Executive is bound to enforce the law as interpreted by the judiciary, including constitutional amendments.
      • Cooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1 (1958): The Court reaffirmed that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and its interpretation by the Supreme Court is binding on all states and branches of government, including the Executive.


    Constitutional amendments are laws that the Executive Branch is required to enforce under the Constitution. The doctrine of stare decisis provides strong support for this enforcement, as historical precedents consistently show that the Executive Branch has implemented amendments. This enforcement is grounded in the Supremacy Clause and the constitutional duty of the Executive to ensure that the laws, including amendments, are faithfully executed. Cases such as Dillon v. Gloss, Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, and Cooper v. Aaron underscore the principle that all amendments are binding laws enforceable by the Executive Branch.

    William James Spriggs


    Wednesday, September 11, 2024


    The notion that President Biden and Vice President Harris are solely responsible for inflation and that the economy was better under former President Trump is a widely circulated claim that overlooks the root causes of inflation and the complex factors influencing economic conditions. Let’s break down the elements at play:

    Inflation Under Biden and Harris

    Inflation has indeed been a significant issue during Biden's presidency, but attributing it entirely to his administration incorrectly ignores several global and historical factors:

    1. Pandemic Aftermath: The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted global supply chains, caused labor shortages, and created unprecedented demand for goods. These disruptions continued well into Biden's term, fueling inflation worldwide, not just in the U.S.
    2. Global Energy Crisis: Rising energy prices, partly driven by geopolitical tensions like Russia's invasion of Ukraine, have contributed significantly to inflation. Energy prices are largely beyond the control of any single administration.
    3. Federal Reserve Policies: The Federal Reserve’s actions, such as maintaining low interest rates for an extended period, contributed to the inflationary environment. The Fed operates independently of the executive branch, so pining its decisions solely on Biden or Harris is inaccurate.
    4. Supply and Demand Mismatches: As the economy rebounded from the pandemic, demand surged while supply struggled to keep up, leading to price increases. This mismatch is a broader economic challenge that is not limited to any one administration.

    Compared to Trump’s Era

    During Trump's presidency, the economy faced its own set of challenges:

    1. Pandemic Response: The Trump administration's handling of the initial stages of the pandemic contributed to economic instability, including record unemployment and a steep economic downturn. The immediate responses set the stage for some of the economic issues that followed into Biden’s term.
    2. Deficit Spending: Both administrations engaged in significant deficit spending, but the stimulus packages under Trump, including direct payments to Americans, were critical to keeping the economy afloat during the pandemic. However, this also added to national debt and inflationary pressures.
    3. Trade Wars: Trump's trade policies, particularly tariffs on Chinese goods, also had inflationary effects on the cost of goods and disrupted supply chains, contributing to some of the issues felt later.
    4. Price Gouging. Greedy corporations used Covid and other weaknesses to raise prices just to create more profit.

    Economic Metrics

    While some people perceive that they were better off under Trump, it's crucial to look at broader economic indicators across both presidencies, such as GDP growth, unemployment rates, stock market performance, and wage growth, all of which have markedly improved under Biden. It's also essential to account for the context in which these metrics occurred, such as pre-pandemic conditions versus the recovery phase.

    Political Rhetoric vs. Economic Reality

    The claim that one administration is solely responsible for inflation is often used as political rhetoric. In reality, the economy is influenced by many factors, including global events, Federal Reserve policies, and long-term economic trends that transcend any single presidency.

    Discussions about economic conditions should consider these broader contexts rather than attributing them to political figures alone. A balanced perspective acknowledges the complexities and multiple forces at play rather than simplifying it to a matter of political blame.

    In the objective view of recent history, economic conditions were far worse under Trump than under Biden. Trump's partisan rhetoric is simply another lie. It is high time we called to account those who perpetuate the myth that Biden is to blame by magic or gross dereliction of duty. Balderdash.


    William James Spriggs


    Tuesday, September 10, 2024


    Calling Out Treason: The MAGA Movement’s Threat of a Coup

    No more passes. A spade is a spade. Trump and the Project 2025 authors have committed treason.

    The United States is facing a profound threat not just from external adversaries but from within—by a movement that has openly declared its intention to dismantle the foundations of American democracy. Led by Donald Trump and bolstered by the authors and sponsors of Project 2025, the MAGA movement has crossed the line from legitimate political debate into treasonous territory. The definition of treason is clear: the act of betraying one’s country, typically by attempting to overthrow the government. The MAGA movement, with its blatant disregard for democratic norms and open plans to seize power, embodies this betrayal. It is high time that we call this movement what it truly is: treasonous.

    The actions and rhetoric of Trump and his supporters go far beyond the bounds of bona fide political discourse. They have confessed, both implicitly and explicitly, to their intent to overthrow the current government structure and replace it with a regime that would undermine the rule of law, dismantle federal agencies, and install loyalists in key positions of power. Project 2025, spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation, is not merely a policy initiative but a blueprint for a coup. It outlines plans to gut the civil service, undermine independent institutions, and reshape the government in the image of Trump’s authoritarian ambitions.

    The MAGA movement’s strategy is not just about winning elections; it is about subverting the democratic process itself. By perpetuating false claims of election fraud, threatening violence, and promising retribution against those who oppose them, Trump and his allies are actively working to destabilize the nation. This is not patriotism; it is an assault on the Constitution and the democratic principles that have sustained the United States for over two centuries. Their actions are not merely un-American—they are anti-American, aimed at destroying the very fabric of the republic.

    We cannot afford to give Trump and the MAGA movement a pass any longer. Their brazen plans and inflammatory rhetoric are not protected under the guise of free speech when they plot the overthrow of the government. This is not a matter of political disagreement but a direct attack on the nation’s sovereignty and the freedoms that define it. As citizens, we must hold these individuals accountable and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

    It is not enough to recognize the threat; we must act to counter it. This means calling out the MAGA movement for what it is: a treasonous faction intent on tearing down the pillars of American democracy. We must demand accountability for their actions and ensure that those who threaten the nation’s stability are prevented from seizing power. It is time to stand firm against the encroachment of autocracy and reaffirm our commitment to the values that have made the United States a beacon of hope and freedom. Treason must not be allowed to hide behind the mask of political discourse—Trump and the MAGA movement have shown their hand, and we must respond with unwavering resolve to protect our democracy.

    William James Spriggs

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    The United States faces an unprecedented constitutional crisis fueled by Donald Trump’s continued threats of violence and the actions of his allies, including the Heritage Foundation. If Trump wins the next election, President Joe Biden has a constitutional duty to declare him ineligible under the 14th Amendment, which bars individuals who have engaged in insurrection or rebellion from holding office. This action is crucial to protect the nation from descending into autocracy and to uphold the rule of law.

    While this declaration is necessary, it must be coupled with a commitment to nonviolent action, as history has shown the effectiveness of peaceful resistance against tyranny. However, given Trump’s rhetoric, the potential for violence remains high. Therefore, preparedness to defend democracy through legal means and public mobilization is essential. President Biden’s decisive action and the American people’s support are vital to preserving the Constitution and safeguarding the future of American democracy.


    Facing the Constitutional Crisis: Why Biden Must Declare Trump Ineligible if He Wins

    The United States stands on the precipice of a constitutional crisis unlike any in its history, driven by the radical actions and rhetoric of Donald Trump and his allies, including the influential Heritage Foundation. Trump's promise of violence and his repeated claims of election fraud not only threaten the stability of the nation but also imperil the foundational principles of democracy and the rule of law. In this dire moment, decisive and unprecedented actions are required to safeguard the republic. Among these actions, President Joe Biden must consider declaring Trump ineligible to hold office should he win the next election. This is not merely an option but a constitutional imperative in the face of the clear and present danger Trump poses.

    The Constitutional Crisis at Hand

    Since leaving office, Donald Trump has continuously undermined public trust in the electoral process, casting doubt on the legitimacy of the democratic system. His promise of violence, whether direct or implicit, serves as a rallying cry to his most fervent supporters, fostering a culture of division and potential unrest. The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 further exacerbates this crisis by laying the groundwork for dismantling the civil service and replacing it with loyalists. This move threatens the independence and integrity of the federal workforce.

    This unfolding scenario is not a mere political dispute; it is a constitutional crisis that challenges the very essence of American governance. The potential for violence, coupled with Trump's disregard for democratic norms, necessitates a robust response that goes beyond conventional politics.

    Biden’s Constitutional Duty

    As outlined in my previous writings,, President Biden has a constitutional duty to act decisively to protect the nation from descending into autocracy. Should Trump win the next election, Biden must declare Trump ineligible to assume office based on the 14th Amendment, Section 3, which disqualifies anyone who has engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States from holding any office, civil or military. Trump's actions surrounding the January 6th insurrection and his ongoing inflammatory rhetoric provide a clear basis for invoking this constitutional provision.

    By declaring Trump ineligible, Biden would not act out of partisan interest but fulfilling his oath to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." This action would affirm the rule of law and signal to the nation and the world that the United States remains committed to democratic principles, even in the face of internal threats.

    Nonviolent Action as the First Line of Defense

    While the declaration of Trump’s ineligibility is a necessary step, it must be accompanied by a commitment to nonviolent action. Historically, nonviolent resistance has proven to be a powerful tool against tyranny, capable of mobilizing mass support and effecting change without resorting to the very violence that autocrats often rely upon. The civil rights movement, led by figures like Martin Luther King Jr., demonstrated the efficacy of nonviolent protest in the face of systemic injustice.

    However, we must be realistic: the likelihood of Trump-inspired violence remains high, regardless of the actions taken. It is, therefore, essential to prepare for defense with a strategic offense—this means not only mobilizing legal and political resources but also engaging the broader public in nonviolent resistance. By standing firm in nonviolence, the American people can demonstrate that they will not be coerced into submission or chaos.

    The Inevitability of Conflict and the Need for Preparedness

    It is crucial to acknowledge that, given Trump's track record and the fervor of his base, conflict seems inevitable. Nonviolent action does not guarantee the absence of violence, especially when faced with opponents who may be willing to resort to aggressive measures. This reality necessitates a dual approach: while nonviolent strategies should be at the forefront, there must also be readiness to respond assertively to threats against the democratic process.

    This response does not imply an escalation into armed conflict but rather a comprehensive approach that includes legal action, robust law enforcement, and clear communication with the public to maintain order and uphold the rule of law. By preparing for all contingencies, we can mitigate the potential for violence and ensure that actions are within the bounds of legality and morality.

    Biden’s Call to Save the Constitution

    President Biden must recognize the gravity of the situation and act accordingly. His leadership is critical in navigating the nation through this crisis. Declaring Trump ineligible, if necessary, is not an act of partisanship but of patriotism. It is a defense of the Constitution and the democratic institutions that have defined the United States for over two centuries.

    The American public must be prepared to support this move and to engage in nonviolent action to defend democracy. We must reject the descent into autocracy and violence that Trump and his allies promise. Instead, we must reaffirm our commitment to a government of the people, by the people, and for the people—one that respects the rule of law and the peaceful transfer of power.

    The time for action is now. Waiting for the crisis to worsen is not an option. As history has shown, failing to act decisively in the face of tyranny only emboldens those who seek to dismantle democratic institutions. President Biden, therefore, has a duty not just to act but to act boldly to save the Constitution and preserve the future of American democracy.

    William James Spriggs



    Trump’s Tariffs: A Hidden Tax on Consumers

    In recent years, the American public has witnessed a surge in tariffs on imported goods, particularly those from China. One of the primary architects behind this shift was former President Donald Trump, who implemented these tariffs to bolster American industries and reduce the trade deficit. However, while the tariffs were marketed to protect American workers and industries, the reality is far more complex—and costly. The burden of these tariffs has ultimately fallen on American consumers, who are, in effect, paying a hidden tax on a wide range of goods.

    Understanding Tariffs as a Tax

    A tariff is essentially a tax imposed by a government on imported goods. It’s a tool to make foreign products more expensive and encourage consumers to buy domestically produced items. While this may seem like a patriotic and straightforward strategy, the real-world implications often differ. When tariffs are imposed on imported goods, the cost increase is typically passed down the supply chain—from manufacturers and wholesalers to retailers and, ultimately, to the end consumer.

    The price hike caused by tariffs doesn’t affect the foreign producers as intended; instead, it directly impacts the American companies and consumers who rely on these imports. As businesses face higher costs for raw materials, components, or finished products, they either absorb the additional expense—often an unsustainable option—or pass it along to consumers through higher prices.

    The Impact on Everyday Goods

    Trump’s tariffs targeted various products, from steel and aluminum to consumer electronics, clothing, and food. As a result, prices for everyday goods such as washing machines, electronics, and even groceries saw noticeable increases. For example, the tariffs on steel and aluminum drove up costs for industries reliant on these materials, including the automotive and construction sectors. Consequently, American consumers paid more for cars, appliances, and even canned goods.

    Moreover, tariffs on Chinese goods affect a wide range of consumer products, including smartphones, laptops, and toys—items that American families purchase regularly. This price inflation functions as a regressive tax, disproportionately affecting lower-income households that spend a larger share of their income on necessities.

    The Illusion of Economic Nationalism

    Proponents of the tariffs argue that they protect American jobs and industries by making foreign goods less competitive. However, the impact on American manufacturers has been mixed at best. Some sectors, like the steel industry, did experience a temporary boost. Still, others, such as farmers and manufacturers who rely on imported components, suffered losses due to retaliatory tariffs and increased production costs.

    The tariffs also disrupted global supply chains, leading to inefficiencies and higher costs that ripple throughout the economy. For many businesses, the increased costs of tariffs outweighed any benefits from the supposed protection, leading to layoffs, reduced profits, or even closures. In the long run, these disruptions can weaken the industries the tariffs were meant to protect.

    The Burden on American Consumers

    While Trump positioned tariffs as a penalty on foreign nations, these measures have backfired, effectively acting as a tax on American consumers. The extra costs associated with tariffs are felt at the cash register, making buying everything from clothing to electronics more expensive. The idea that tariffs would push consumers to "buy American" overlooks the globalized nature of modern supply chains, where many American products include foreign components.

    In essence, Trump's tariffs have not fulfilled their promise of strengthening America economically; instead, they have imposed a stealth tax on American families, making life more expensive. This additional financial burden is incredibly unjust given that it is regressive—it hits the poorest households hardest, those least equipped to absorb the rising costs of goods.

    A Call for Sensible Trade Policies

    The experience with Trump’s tariffs should serve as a cautionary tale about the complexities of international trade and the unintended consequences of protectionist measures. Trade policies should be carefully crafted to ensure they do not harm the citizens they are meant to protect. Instead of using tariffs as a blunt instrument, the United States should pursue policies promoting fair trade practices without burdening consumers.

    As we move forward, it is crucial to advocate for a balanced approach to trade—one that protects American jobs and industries without imposing hidden taxes on consumers. Transparency and careful consideration of the ripple effects of tariffs must be at the forefront of any future trade policy decisions. The goal should be to foster an economic environment that benefits all Americans, not just a few industries.

    In conclusion, Trump will tax his supporters in his continued effort of self-aggrandizement and, no doubt, profit. While the rhetoric of tariffs as a tool of economic nationalism can be appealing, Trump's tariffs are another assault on his own loyal MAGA supporters. As he heads toward his promised dictatorship, he includes his plan to harm the very people he needs to complete his quest for power.

    William James Spriggs

    Sunday, September 8, 2024


    Our nation's founding documents are revered as cornerstones of American democracy, embodying the vision and foresight of our forefathers. However, it's essential to recognize that these documents were crafted in a specific historical context that bears little resemblance to our present-day realities. Two provisions, in particular, stand out as relics of the past that have outlived their original purposes: the Second Amendment and the Electoral College.

    The Second Amendment: A Right Out of Time

    The Second Amendment was written when the United States did not have a professional standing military. The founders, wary of tyranny, saw the need for well-regulated militias composed of ordinary citizens to defend the fledgling nation. This was a practical response to a time of vulnerability when the threat of invasion or rebellion was ever-present, and local militias played a crucial role in the nation's defense.

    Today, we have a fully equipped, professional military that is unmatched globally. The need for civilian militias has long since passed. Yet, the broad interpretation of the Second Amendment has led to an epidemic of gun violence that our founders could never have anticipated. The prevalence of firearms has turned our streets, schools, and public spaces into battlegrounds of a different kind, far removed from the intent of self-defense against foreign invaders.

    It's time to acknowledge that the right to bear arms, as it stands, is outdated. We must amend the Second Amendment to reflect the realities of modern society, where the need for a well-regulated militia no longer exists. Sensible restrictions on gun ownership, tailored to legitimate needs like hunting, sport, and self-defense, should replace the current broad and unchecked access to firearms. This approach would not only honor the original intent of the amendment but also address the pressing issue of gun violence that plagues our communities today.

    The Electoral College: A Compromise Gone Awry

    The Electoral College was established as a compromise to balance power between populous eastern states and the less populated western territories. At the time, this system was seen as a fair way to ensure that all states had a voice in the president's selection, preventing any one region from dominating the electoral process. However, the nation's demographics, communication, and political landscape have drastically changed since then.

    Today, the Electoral College skews representation and can result in a president who does not win the popular vote. This undemocratic outcome contradicts the principle of "one person, one vote" and perpetuates inequality by giving disproportionate power to certain states at the expense of others. The system, once a practical solution for a young republic, has become a barrier to true democratic representation.

    Abolishing the Electoral College in favor of a direct popular vote would reflect the democratic ideals that our nation strives to uphold. Every citizen's vote should carry equal weight, regardless of where they live. By eliminating this archaic system, we can ensure that our elections truly reflect the will of the people, restoring faith in the democratic process.

    Moving Forward

    The United States has evolved significantly since the founding fathers' days. While we honor their contributions, we must also recognize that their solutions were tailored to the needs of their time, not ours. The Second Amendment and the Electoral College are two provisions that no longer serve their intended purposes and hinder our progress toward a safer and more equitable society.

    It's time to amend these relics of the past. By restricting gun ownership to sensible circumstances and abolishing the Electoral College, we can take meaningful steps toward a future that aligns with our current values and needs. These changes are not about disregarding our history but building upon it to create a more perfect union for generations.

    William James Spriggs



    The Educated Should Not Bear the Burden of the Ignorant

    In today's rapidly evolving world, the divide between the educated and the uninformed has grown into a chasm that affects every aspect of our society. As misinformation proliferates and critical thinking becomes an increasingly rare skill, educated people find themselves striving to succeed in their endeavors and grappling with the consequences of decisions made by those who lack the necessary understanding or knowledge. It’s time to assert that the educated should not bear the burden of the ignorant and that a collective effort to elevate our societal standards is crucial for our common future.

    The Burden on the Educated

    The burden placed on the educated is not merely hypothetical; it manifests in everyday life, from the ballot box to the workplace, public health decisions, and environmental policies. The educated are often compelled to correct, compensate for, and mitigate the consequences of ignorance-driven choices. This imbalance skews the direction of societal progress and places a disproportionate responsibility on those who have taken the time and effort to educate themselves.

    Consider the spread of misinformation regarding vaccines or climate change, where scientific consensus is often disregarded in favor of myths and falsehoods. The educated—scientists, healthcare professionals, and informed citizens—are left to combat these misconceptions, often with limited resources and against overwhelming waves of denial and resistance. This not only drains time and energy but also hinders society's collective progress, dragging down efforts that could otherwise be directed toward innovation and improvement.

    Examples and Impacts

    The impact of this dynamic is evident in various sectors. In public health, the rejection of expert guidance on issues like vaccination has led to a resurgence of preventable diseases. In governance, uninformed voting choices have resulted in leadership undermining scientific and educational institutions. Economically, the rejection of sound financial advice and data-driven policy leads to cycles of recession and instability. These are not just abstract concerns—they translate into real-world consequences that the educated must address, often at great personal and societal cost.

    The consequences of these actions extend beyond immediate damage; they erode trust in expertise and perpetuate a cycle where ignorance is not just tolerated but, in some cases, celebrated. This culture places the educated in a defensive stance, constantly having to justify the value of facts, reason, and knowledge. This scenario should be untenable in a society striving for progress.

    The Responsibility Divide

    While it is essential to recognize that every individual has a role in society, it is neither fair nor sustainable to expect the educated to always compensate for the gaps left by the uninformed. There is a fundamental divide in responsibility: those who seek knowledge and understanding should not perpetually shoulder the consequences of those who choose to remain disengaged from the pursuit of truth. The educated contribute through their expertise and by adhering to standards of evidence and rational discourse, whic should be foundational to the entire society.

    Call for Change

    What is needed is a renewed emphasis on education at all levels, a commitment to fostering critical thinking skills, and an environment that encourages personal responsibility for one’s knowledge and actions. It is not enough to hope that misinformation will fade or that ignorance will diminish on its own; proactive measures are required to elevate the collective understanding and to ensure that societal decisions are grounded in reality rather than fantasy.

    Policies that support education promote access to reliable information, and hold individuals accountable for their contributions to society are essential. The goal is not to create an elite class of the educated but to lift everyone to a standard where informed decision-making is the norm, not the exception.


    The educated have always played a guiding role in society, but that role should not come at the cost of constantly rectifying the mistakes of the uninformed. By advocating for a society where everyone is equipped with the tools to responsibly understand and engage with the world, we can distribute decision-making burdens more equitably. The educated can then focus on correcting errors and driving the innovation and progress that benefit all. It’s time for the ignorant to catch up and for society to insist that they do so that the path forward can be one we walk together rather than one where the informed are perpetually carrying the uninformed on their backs.

    William James Spriggs