Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Facing the Constitutional Crisis: Why Biden Must Declare Trump Ineligible if He Wins

The United States stands on the precipice of a constitutional crisis unlike any in its history, driven by the radical actions and rhetoric of Donald Trump and his allies, including the influential Heritage Foundation. Trump's promise of violence and his repeated claims of election fraud not only threaten the stability of the nation but also imperil the foundational principles of democracy and the rule of law. In this dire moment, decisive and unprecedented actions are required to safeguard the republic. Among these actions, President Joe Biden must consider declaring Trump ineligible to hold office should he win the next election. This is not merely an option but a constitutional imperative in the face of the clear and present danger Trump poses.

The Constitutional Crisis at Hand

Since leaving office, Donald Trump has continuously undermined public trust in the electoral process, casting doubt on the legitimacy of the democratic system. His promise of violence, whether direct or implicit, serves as a rallying cry to his most fervent supporters, fostering a culture of division and potential unrest. The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 further exacerbates this crisis by laying the groundwork for dismantling the civil service and replacing it with loyalists. This move threatens the independence and integrity of the federal workforce.

This unfolding scenario is not a mere political dispute; it is a constitutional crisis that challenges the very essence of American governance. The potential for violence, coupled with Trump's disregard for democratic norms, necessitates a robust response that goes beyond conventional politics.

Biden’s Constitutional Duty

As outlined in my previous writings, https://wspriggs2.blogspot.com/2024/07/bidens-duty-to-declare-trump-ineligible.html, President Biden has a constitutional duty to act decisively to protect the nation from descending into autocracy. Should Trump win the next election, Biden must declare Trump ineligible to assume office based on the 14th Amendment, Section 3, which disqualifies anyone who has engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States from holding any office, civil or military. Trump's actions surrounding the January 6th insurrection and his ongoing inflammatory rhetoric provide a clear basis for invoking this constitutional provision.

By declaring Trump ineligible, Biden would not act out of partisan interest but fulfilling his oath to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." This action would affirm the rule of law and signal to the nation and the world that the United States remains committed to democratic principles, even in the face of internal threats.

Nonviolent Action as the First Line of Defense

While the declaration of Trump’s ineligibility is a necessary step, it must be accompanied by a commitment to nonviolent action. Historically, nonviolent resistance has proven to be a powerful tool against tyranny, capable of mobilizing mass support and effecting change without resorting to the very violence that autocrats often rely upon. The civil rights movement, led by figures like Martin Luther King Jr., demonstrated the efficacy of nonviolent protest in the face of systemic injustice.

However, we must be realistic: the likelihood of Trump-inspired violence remains high, regardless of the actions taken. It is, therefore, essential to prepare for defense with a strategic offense—this means not only mobilizing legal and political resources but also engaging the broader public in nonviolent resistance. By standing firm in nonviolence, the American people can demonstrate that they will not be coerced into submission or chaos.

The Inevitability of Conflict and the Need for Preparedness

It is crucial to acknowledge that, given Trump's track record and the fervor of his base, conflict seems inevitable. Nonviolent action does not guarantee the absence of violence, especially when faced with opponents who may be willing to resort to aggressive measures. This reality necessitates a dual approach: while nonviolent strategies should be at the forefront, there must also be readiness to respond assertively to threats against the democratic process.

This response does not imply an escalation into armed conflict but rather a comprehensive approach that includes legal action, robust law enforcement, and clear communication with the public to maintain order and uphold the rule of law. By preparing for all contingencies, we can mitigate the potential for violence and ensure that actions are within the bounds of legality and morality.

Biden’s Call to Save the Constitution

President Biden must recognize the gravity of the situation and act accordingly. His leadership is critical in navigating the nation through this crisis. Declaring Trump ineligible, if necessary, is not an act of partisanship but of patriotism. It is a defense of the Constitution and the democratic institutions that have defined the United States for over two centuries.

The American public must be prepared to support this move and to engage in nonviolent action to defend democracy. We must reject the descent into autocracy and violence that Trump and his allies promise. Instead, we must reaffirm our commitment to a government of the people, by the people, and for the people—one that respects the rule of law and the peaceful transfer of power.

The time for action is now. Waiting for the crisis to worsen is not an option. As history has shown, failing to act decisively in the face of tyranny only emboldens those who seek to dismantle democratic institutions. President Biden, therefore, has a duty not just to act but to act boldly to save the Constitution and preserve the future of American democracy.

William James Spriggs


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