Tuesday, October 15, 2024


You got what you wanted

In this hypothetical article, Donald Trump has returned to power and is implementing many of the policies he outlined during his campaign. His administration has taken a hard-line stance on several critical issues, and the ramifications of these actions are becoming increasingly evident across various sectors of society. DAY ONE OF THE DICTATORSHIP HAS ARRIVED.

Immigration Policies and Family Separation

One of Trump's key proposals was to crack down on illegal immigration and reinstate strict border policies. Within weeks of taking office, the Trump administration revived the controversial family separation policy. Under this plan, thousands of migrant children were once again forcibly separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border, causing widespread humanitarian outrage. Reports have surfaced of overcrowded detention centers where children are held for extended periods, often without adequate healthcare or legal support.

The policy has devastated immigrant communities. Many families, particularly those fleeing violence and poverty in Central America, are now facing insurmountable barriers to asylum. Advocacy groups are overwhelmed by the sheer number of cases, while mental health professionals warn of the long-term psychological trauma these children will experience.

Deregulation of Environmental Protections

In line with his campaign promises, Trump has rolled back numerous environmental regulations, opening up protected lands for oil and gas drilling. National parks and wildlife reserves, once safeguarded under federal protection, are now at risk of exploitation by energy companies. This deregulation has sharply increased deforestation and pollution, particularly in regions like Alaska and the Gulf Coast.

Environmental activists are alarmed by the accelerated pace of climate change, driven in part by increased carbon emissions and the dismantling of renewable energy incentives. Communities in coastal areas are already experiencing more frequent and severe flooding, while air and water quality continue to deteriorate in many industrial regions.

Assault on Healthcare and Social Services

Trump’s health policies, including attempts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA), have further destabilized access to affordable healthcare. Millions of Americans who depended on ACA provisions, such as protections for pre-existing conditions, now find themselves without adequate coverage. Premiums have skyrocketed for those who remain insured, while low-income families struggle to access basic medical care.

Simultaneously, funding cuts to essential social services, including food assistance programs and Medicaid, have left vulnerable populations in dire straits. The disabled, elderly, and poor have borne the brunt of these cuts, leading to increased homelessness and food insecurity across the country.

Escalating Rhetoric and Social Division

Perhaps one of the most profound impacts of Trump’s leadership is the deepening division in American society. His rhetoric on race, immigration, and law enforcement has emboldened far-right groups, leading to a sharp increase in hate crimes and acts of violence against marginalized communities. Anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, and anti-LGBTQ+ incidents have surged, while law enforcement has been accused of turning a blind eye to these acts of extremism.

The resurgence of nativist movements, often encouraged by Trump's public statements, has fostered an atmosphere of fear and hostility. Protest movements have been met with heavy-handed police responses, further inflaming tensions. As political discourse becomes more polarized, civil unrest appears to be on the rise, with many fearing that violence could soon become the norm.


Donald Trump’s return to power has had widespread negative consequences for many American citizens and vulnerable populations. From children at the border to families who can no longer afford healthcare, the impacts of his policies are being felt across the nation. The longer-term damage to the environment, societal cohesion, and the country’s moral fabric will likely be profound and lasting. As the country faces these ongoing challenges, many question whether there will be a way to reverse course before irreversible damage is done.

William James Spriggs

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