Saturday, October 12, 2024


How the Democrats Could Have Easily Beaten Trump: A Simple Formula They Failed to Follow

Looking back at the 2024 election, one thing becomes painfully clear: the Democrats could have easily beaten Donald Trump by following a simple, focused strategy. Instead, they allowed themselves to be pulled in too many directions, losing sight of three critical points that could have swung the election in their favor. Trump may have won, but not because of his policies or leadership. Instead, it was because the Democrats failed to hammer home three key truths that would have resonated with voters: Trump is not a real Republican, Trump’s policies caused inflation, not Biden’s, and Trump personally sabotaged progress on immigration.

Let’s break down how the Democrats missed these three golden opportunities.

1. Trump is Not a Republican

It’s no secret that Donald Trump has hijacked the Republican Party, but the Democrats could have done more to drive this point home. Traditional Republican voters are loyal to the "R" next to a candidate’s name, often assuming that voting Republican is synonymous with supporting conservative values. But here’s the reality: Trump does not represent the core values of the Republican Party. He isn’t a conservative in the traditional sense; his presidency and platform have been defined more by personal vendettas, authoritarian tendencies, and self-interest than by limited government, fiscal responsibility, or national unity principles.

The Democrats should have made this clear to voters: Trump isn’t a true Republican. Hammering this message would have forced many lifelong Republicans to confront the fact that their party has been transformed into a vessel for Trump’s ego rather than a party that represents their values. Many voters tired of Trump’s antics could have been swayed if they realized they weren’t voting for a Republican in the traditional sense—they were voting for Trump, the individual, not the party they’ve long supported.

2. Trump, Not Biden, Caused Inflation

Inflation was one of the key issues in the 2024 election, with many voters pointing fingers at President Biden. But here’s the truth: Trump’s policies set the stage for the inflation crisis. From trade wars with China that disrupted global supply chains to tariffs that raised the cost of goods, Trump’s reckless economic decisions started the snowball that led to the inflation spike. By the time Biden took office, he was dealing with a damaged economy, further complicated by the global pandemic.

  • China Tariffs: Trump initiated a trade war with China, imposing tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars worth of Chinese imports. These tariffs were intended to address what he saw as unfair trade practices, including intellectual property theft and the U.S.-China trade imbalance. The tariffs on Chinese goods began in 2018 and were expanded over time to cover a wide range of products, from steel and aluminum to consumer goods like electronics and clothing.
  • Steel and Aluminum Tariffs: In March 2018, Trump imposed 25% tariffs on steel imports and 10% on aluminum imports from several countries, citing national security concerns under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act. These tariffs affected not just China but also allies like Canada, the European Union, and Mexico, though some countries later negotiated exemptions or reductions.
  • Tariffs on European Goods: The Trump administration also imposed tariffs on European goods, particularly in response to disputes over subsidies to Airbus, the European aerospace company. The U.S. imposed tariffs on a range of European products, including wine, cheese, and aircraft.

These tariffs caused significant disruption to global trade and increased prices for imported goods, which affected supply chains and inflationary pressures, even though Trump claimed they were necessary for protecting American industries.

Instead of allowing Trump to shift the blame, Democrats should have hammered home the fact that Biden rescued the country from a potential economic disaster. His administration’s policies controlled inflation stabilized the economy and resumed growth. The Democratic campaign failed to remind voters of Biden’s successful efforts to stabilize the economy and stop the inflationary spiral, giving Trump room to claim that inflation was all Biden’s fault falsely. The truth is, Biden fixed Trump’s mess, and Democrats should have never let voters forget it.

3. Trump Sabotaged Immigration Reform for Selfish Reasons

Immigration has always been a hot-button issue; in 2024, it was no different. The problem is that Democrats failed to capitalize on a crucial moment in Trump’s presidency: an immigration agreement was within reach, but Trump killed it for his political gain. At a time when real progress could have been made—progress that would have benefited the country—Trump chose to blow it up because it didn’t suit his narrative or serve his interests.

Had Democrats hammered home this fact, they could have turned the tables on Trump, exposing his selfishness and his willingness to let the country suffer for his gain. Trump’s decision to nix the agreement wasn’t about protecting American jobs or securing the border—it was about maintaining his stranglehold on a base that feeds off his rhetoric, not his results. Immigration reform could have been a success story, but Trump chose to sabotage it for political advantage. Democrats should have made this betrayal a centerpiece of their campaign.

The Simple Formula for Victory

The Democrats had all the tools necessary to win this election. By focusing on these three points—Trump isn’t a Republican, Trump caused inflation, and Trump sabotaged immigration reform—they could have built a simple, straightforward narrative that resonated with voters. Instead, they allowed the election to get mired in a thousand different issues, losing the opportunity to drive home these powerful truths.

Trump didn’t win because his policies were better or because he had the country’s best interests at heart. He won because the Democrats didn’t keep the message simple. They didn’t hammer home the facts in a way that would cut through the noise and reach voters.

If they had followed this simple formula, the outcome of the 2024 election could have been very different. The Democrats could have won by staying focused on the most important truths and exposing Trump’s real record for what it is: a failure of leadership driven by ego that put personal interests ahead of the country’s needs.

The lesson here is clear: simplicity and focus are the keys to victory when the stakes are this high. Let’s hope the Democrats learn that lesson for next time.

William James Spriggs


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