Sunday, October 13, 2024


If Your Man Votes for Trump, You Need to Get Rid of Him: The Moral Blindness of Trump Supporters

As we stand on the edge of yet another pivotal election, it's time to get real about what’s at stake—not just for the country, but for your personal relationships. Ladies, let’s talk about something uncomfortable but necessary: if your man is voting for Donald Trump, you need to take a long, hard look at what that says about him—and whether he belongs in your life.

Trump’s Moral Bankruptcy

Donald Trump is not just a polarizing political figure. He represents a complete and utter breakdown of moral decency. He has no redeeming social value. His presidency, his rhetoric, and his behavior have been a masterclass in selfishness, dishonesty, cruelty, and an utter disregard for the truth. From his attacks on women, immigrants, and minorities to his corruption, lies, and refusal to take responsibility for his actions, Trump stands in direct opposition to the moral code humans have evolved over 200,000 years.

Humans developed a sense of morality—an innate understanding of right and wrong—long before organized religion or civilization. It’s what allows us to function as a society, to build relationships, to trust one another. Trump violates that evolutionary morality. He doesn’t just lack integrity—he actively celebrates cruelty, dishonesty, and self-interest. And if your man is voting for him, what does that say about his own moral compass?

Guilt by Association

If your man supports Trump, he is, by extension, supporting Trump’s immoral worldview. Whether he agrees with everything Trump says and does, or he’s just voting out of convenience, one thing is clear: he is comfortable with a man who has shown time and time again that he has no respect for anyone but himself. And that kind of moral blindness is contagious.

Voting for Trump is not just a political choice—it’s a moral one. It shows a willingness to overlook, excuse, or even embrace dishonesty, corruption, racism, and misogyny. If your man is casting his vote for Trump, you have to ask yourself: is this the kind of person I want to build a future with?

200,000 Years of Evolutionary Morality, Violated

Our sense of morality, embedded in our DNA over millennia, is based on empathy, cooperation, and mutual respect. We survived as a species because we learned to work together, to care for each other, and to protect the vulnerable. Trump’s worldview is the opposite. He preaches division, cruelty, and self-interest. He thrives on chaos and celebrates ignorance. And any man who follows him is complicit in that moral degradation.

Overlooking Trump’s flaws is no longer an option. It’s not just about disagreeing on tax policies or economic issues. It’s about whether or not your partner is willing to endorse a man who violates every principle of human decency. And if he is, what does that say about his own moral values? If he can excuse Trump’s behavior, where does he draw the line in his own life?

Why You Should Get Rid of Him

Relationships are built on trust, respect, and shared values. If your partner votes for Trump, it’s a red flag that he does not share your moral outlook. He’s endorsing a man who disrespects women, undermines democracy, and thrives on lies.

Ask yourself: can you trust a man who sees nothing wrong with that? Can you respect someone who supports a leader who embodies the worst aspects of humanity? If your man is voting for Trump, he’s telling you that he’s okay with moral blindness, and that’s not the kind of person you need in your life.

Conclusion: Don’t Settle for Less

Ladies, you deserve a partner who shares your values—someone who stands for decency, honesty, and respect. If your man is voting for Trump, he’s telling you everything you need to know about his moral compass. Don’t settle for someone who supports cruelty, lies, and corruption. Life is too short to waste on a man willing to compromise on basic human decency. It’s time to get rid of him and find someone who stands for the values that have guided humanity for 200,000 years: empathy, respect, and integrity.

Your future—and your happiness—depends on it.

William James Spriggs

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