Saturday, June 8, 2024

FACT VERSUS FAITH (No More Passes For Religion)

Fact versus Faith

I have compiled six of my articles on morality into an anthology, which you can find here: Anthology of Articles on Morality.

From the top down, led by the deceptive rhetoric of Trump, our nation has increasingly embraced dishonesty as a norm. Evangelicals, in particular, epitomize this hypocrisy, attending church and then lauding a known liar as their leader. Figures like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell have successfully transformed religion into a political movement, distorting its original intent into a cult-like ideology.

It's time to call out these sanctimonious religious adherents. For too long, they have received undue tolerance. They represent a regressive force, clinging to thousands of years old—myths created in an era of ignorance. Over centuries, humanity has evolved, and we now understand that these ancient stories hold no truth. We have made progress, yet they remain stuck in a bygone era, obstructing our advancement.

Faith, as they wield it, is an illusion. Prayer is a delusion. Their interference in education, government, and our daily lives is unwelcome and detrimental. In a just society, facts supported by evidence must prevail. Our laws, based on rationality and evidence, precede their delusional doctrines. Their holy texts are fabrications, and their leaders are frauds.

Religion, rooted in the thoughts and knowledge of 2,000 years ago, hinders progress. While humanity advances through the application of the scientific method, religion rejects science and impedes our growth. Imagine where we could be today without the pernicious interference of religion—free from witch hunts, wars, and countless other atrocities committed in its name. Religion has stalled and actively reversed the progress we could have made.

Despite this, we avoid confronting religion directly. Instead, we should treat religious organizations as we do any other group, ensuring they have no undue influence over our government and educational institutions. Religion should be separated from the public sphere, allowing our society to advance unimpeded by ancient superstitions.

We should no longer tolerate their influence. We should not allow them to censor our literature, infiltrate our educational institutions, or hold public office. Public prayers at government events should not be permitted. We steadfastly promote facts over fiction, critical thinking over blind faith, and empathy over hollow prayers.

Their lies endanger our very existence. Throughout history, they have incited wars in the name of their beliefs. As they continue to seek greater control over those who value reason, we must be prepared to stand against them. Their actions threaten our species, and we should resist their efforts with unwavering resolve.



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