Thursday, June 20, 2024



Donald Trump: Not a True Christian

In evaluating the authenticity of an individual's faith, one must look beyond mere words and examine their actions. At its core, Christianity is defined by compassion, integrity, and service to others. By these measures, Donald Trump's conduct reveals a stark departure from the principles that define true Christian living.

Christianity: Defined by Works, Not Words

The Bible teaches that faith without works is dead (James 2:17). A genuine Christian life is marked by love, charity, honesty, and a commitment to helping others. Donald Trump's record, however, is characterized by actions that contradict these core values.

Lack of Compassion and Service

1. Treatment of Fellow Human Beings

  • Disrespect and Cruelty: Trump has repeatedly shown disrespect towards others, including those who are vulnerable. His policies and rhetoric have often targeted immigrants, minorities, and the disadvantaged, fostering division and hatred rather than love and understanding.
  • Lack of Charity: True Christians are known for their charity and generosity. Conversely, Trump has not been known for significant charitable contributions or acts of kindness. His charitable foundation was even found to have engaged in illegal activity and was shut down.

2. Absence of Religious Practice

  • Church Attendance: Regular participation in communal worship is a hallmark of Christian faith. Trump is not known for attending church regularly or being involved in any religious community.
  • Biblical Illiteracy: Christians often read the Bible for guidance and inspiration. Trump's limited and often incorrect references to scripture suggest a lack of engagement with the Holy Book.
  • Prayer and Reflection: Prayer is a fundamental aspect of Christian life, providing direct communication with God. There is little evidence that Trump engages in regular prayer or spiritual reflection.

By His Works, You Will Know Him

1. Dishonesty and Fraud

  • Lying and Cheating: Trump's history is marred by dishonesty in his business dealings and political career. From false statements to misleading the public, his actions contradict the Christian value of truthfulness.
  • Fraudulent Activities: Trump's involvement in fraudulent schemes, such as the Trump University scandal, highlights a pattern of deceit and exploitation.

2. Lack of Repentance

  • Unrepentant Behavior: A key aspect of the Christian faith is the recognition of one's sins and the commitment to repentance. Trump has consistently refused to acknowledge his wrongdoings or seek forgiveness, which is contrary to Christ's teachings.

The Fruits of the Spirit

The Apostle Paul lists the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Evaluating Trump against these attributes reveals a significant disconnect:

  • Love and Kindness: Trump's rhetoric and actions often lack compassion and empathy, particularly towards those who disagree with him or belong to marginalized groups.
  • Peace and Patience: His tendency to provoke conflict and respond aggressively to criticism shows a lack of patience and a commitment to peace.
  • Faithfulness and Gentleness: Trump's inconsistent religious engagement and harsh demeanor do not reflect the faithfulness and gentleness espoused by Christian doctrine.
  • Self-Control: His impulsive behavior and inability to control his speech and actions indicate a lack of self-control.


Christianity is not merely a label; it is a way of life defined by actions that reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ. Donald Trump's behavior, characterized by dishonesty, cruelty, and a lack of genuine religious practice, stands in stark contrast to the principles of true Christian faith. His works show that Trump does not embody the values that define a true Christian. His actions serve as a reminder that true faith is demonstrated through love, integrity, and service to others, not just through words or political affiliations.


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