Friday, June 28, 2024


Joe Biden's debate performance was disappointing. However, the real issue isn't just about one debate but about the broader choice between democracy and autocracy. Biden must now consider the proposal outlined in the documents cited in the anthology of articles on Trump's ineligibility. These documents argue for enforcing the 14th Amendment's Section 3, which disqualifies Trump due to his involvement in the insurrection. This legal and moral imperative is essential to preserving our democracy against the radical proposals of Project 2025.

Now that he has immunity for acts in his official capacity, he must save democracy.

What Biden Must Be Prepared to Do if He Loses the Electoral Vote

1. Enforce the 14th Amendment, Section 3: Biden must be ready to challenge Trump's eligibility to assume office based on the 14th Amendment, Section 3, which disqualifies individuals involved in insurrection or rebellion against the United States.

2. Mobilize Legal Resources: Deploy a comprehensive legal strategy involving constitutional scholars, legal experts, and advocacy groups to assert and defend the enforcement of this constitutional provision.

3. Engage Public Support: Rally public opinion by clearly communicating the threat an autocratic administration poses and the importance of upholding constitutional safeguards.

4. Coordinate with Congress and State Governments: Work closely with sympathetic members of Congress and state governments to support legal challenges and legislative measures reinforcing constitutional disqualification.

5. Ignore the Erroneous Supreme Court Decision: When he faces the legal challenge of the Supreme Court’s opinion that Congress must act, he must side with the expert opinions that the court was in error and that preserving democracy requires exercising his legitimate executive authority.

Why This Will Work

Constitutional Basis: The 14th Amendment provides a clear legal basis for disqualifying individuals engaged in insurrection. The Supreme Court erred. The 14th can be enforced by the executive branch, and Section 5 does not require Congressional action to enforce Section 3.

Precedent and Public Support: Highlighting historical precedents and mobilizing public opinion can pressure the judiciary and other government institutions to uphold the rule of law.

Preventing Autocracy: Ensuring that an individual involved in insurrection cannot assume the presidency protects democratic institutions and prevents the consolidation of autocratic power, thereby safeguarding American democracy.

For more details, please visit the anthology. 

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