Friday, June 7, 2024


The Radical Shift: Trump’s Coalition and the Erosion of Conservative Values

In the current political landscape, it is crucial to differentiate between true conservative values and the radical agenda being advanced by Donald Trump and his coalition. Despite the frequent claims to conservatism, the Trump coalition stands in stark contrast to the traditional principles of the Republican Party. Their actions and rhetoric reveal a movement more aligned with radicalism and anarchy than with conservative ideology.

The Disintegration of Conservative Values

Historically, conservatism has been synonymous with values such as limited government, respect for institutions, fiscal responsibility, individual liberty, and a strong national defense. However, Trump and his followers have consistently undermined these principles. Their approach is characterized by an authoritarian impulse, disregard for democratic norms, and a propensity for chaos that is fundamentally at odds with true conservative values.

  1. Authoritarianism Over Limited Government: Traditional conservatism champions limited government and the protection of individual freedoms. Trump’s presidency, however, was marked by efforts to expand executive power, undermine judicial independence, and attack free press—all hallmarks of authoritarianism. His threats to punish political rivals and dismantle democratic institutions starkly contradict conservative principles of restrained government​.
  2. Disrespect for Institutions: Conservatism traditionally respects established institutions and processes. Yet, Trump and his supporters have shown contempt for the electoral process, law enforcement agencies, and even the military leadership, as evidenced by Trump’s attacks on figures like General Mark Milley and his continuous claims of a “rigged” election without credible evidence​.
  3. Fiscal Irresponsibility: Fiscal conservatism advocates for balanced budgets and reducing the national debt. Trump’s tenure saw significant increases in the national debt, driven by tax cuts for the wealthy and increased military spending, without corresponding budget cuts or revenue increases. This fiscal irresponsibility runs counter to conservative economic principles.
  4. Individual Liberty: Conservatism emphasizes individual rights and liberties. However, Trump’s agenda often sought to curtail freedoms, from imposing travel bans targeting specific religious groups to threatening actions against peaceful protesters and critics, undermining the fundamental conservative value of individual liberty​.

The Radical Agenda of Trump’s Coalition

Trump’s coalition is more accurately described as radical and anarchistic. Their goal appears to be the establishment of a new order that disregards foundational American principles and norms.

  • Anarchy and Chaos: Trump’s rhetoric and actions have frequently incited division and chaos. His refusal to accept electoral outcomes and encouragement of violent insurrection on January 6th, 2021, highlight a willingness to disrupt the democratic process and sow anarchy for personal gain.
  • New Order: The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 outlines a blueprint for radical changes that threaten the structure of American democracy. This project envisions a fundamental transformation of the executive branch, weakening regulatory agencies, and consolidating power in ways that are antithetical to conservative principles of balanced government and checks and balances.

The Democratic Party: Upholding Conservative Values

Ironically, in the face of this radical shift, the Democratic Party has become the defender of many traditional conservative values. By advocating for the rule of law, respect for democratic institutions, fiscal responsibility through progressive taxation and prudent spending, and the protection of individual rights, the Democrats have positioned themselves as the party upholding the mainstream, non-radical principles that used to define American conservatism.

  • Respect for Institutions: Democrats have consistently shown respect for the integrity of the electoral process, judicial independence, and the importance of a free press, standing against attempts to undermine these institutions.
  • Fiscal Responsibility: While advocating for social programs, the Democratic Party emphasizes responsible taxation and spending policies aimed at reducing the deficit and addressing economic inequality.
  • Individual Rights: The Democratic agenda includes robust protections for individual liberties, civil rights, and privacy, reinforcing the foundational American value of personal freedom.


The current political alignment reveals a startling shift: Trump’s coalition, far from being conservative, embodies radicalism and anarchism, threatening the very fabric of American democracy. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party has taken on the mantle of protecting the principles that truly align with conservative values. It is imperative for the American electorate to recognize this dichotomy and defend the democratic norms and values that have long underpinned the nation’s success.



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